Act 3: The ball

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A kiss?!

*Ritsu tosses and turns on her bed* mhm..
*swords clashing, an explosion, and people yelling and Ritsu is holding this mysterious stranger's hand*
*mysterious person's sword clashes and slowly their hand start to seperate*
'No...*moves head side to side*'
'No!*wakes up and sits up*what..was that...?(who's...Melody?)'
Usagi:Time to get up!
'I'm up!*shakes my head side to side* calm. That dream was probably nothing..*gets up dresses in uniform and runs downstairs*'
Usagi:Morning sweetie. Breakfast will take a little while..Ehehe.
'Grandmother. Why won't I do breakfast? I know your not too good at cooking.'
Usagi:Your grandfather's been teaching me and I'm alright!*food catches fire*
'Sighs *walks to get the fire extinguisher*ahaha. Where's grandfather anyway?'
Usagi:Upstairs. Go and get him will you?
'Yea but we can use a--Oh no m going to be late!! Uh grandmother lunch?'
Usagi:Here your grandfather made it last night so I heated it up and--
'Thank you, gotta go bye!!!*runs gets bento*come on Diana!!'
Usagi:Sighs, brings back memories when I use to be late going to school.
'(That dream seemed..)a-ah...*falls a little*'
^Ritsu are you alright?^
'I'm okay, just a little light headed. Come on, everyone could be at school already*walks ahead a little*(Sighs. My body feels light...I can't get that dream out of my head...)'
Time skips lunch time..
Flora:Ritsu here!!*waves arm back and fourth*
'*smiles, and walks towards them*'
Meanwhile in the Trix's lair...
Icy:Darcy, I have orders for you..
Icy:Collect human energy...and at least give us a little taste of sailor moon's power..don't come back empty handed. Got it?
Darcy:Of course--*transforms into a normal school girl*sister.
Back again to Ritsu..
'*about to walk when*'
"*walks pass by and sees a pot about to hit Ritsu*"
"*runs to her and like in Korean dramas holds her and turns and both fall to the ground with Ritsu on the bottom and Yamato on top as his porfolio falls to the ground but Ritsu's lunch is caught by Yamato*"
*pot falls to the ground,but no one notices*
'*blushes and breathes heavily a little and eyes open wide*K-Kougami-San..'
"Idiot.*gets up and puts his arm towards Ritsu*here."
'Thanks.*takes his hand and stares at him*Oh.*lets go immediately*sorry.'
"Don't worry about it. Be careful next time, Ms. Clumsy.*gives her,her lunch,pricks up his porfolio, and walks away*"
'Ugh. I have a name..!(I keep bumping into him no matter what..this school is big and of all places>~<)'
Musa:Hey, you okay?
'Yea. Kougami-San was there somehow. It's so weird.'
*both walk to the bench the rest of the girls are at*
Tecna:Hey guys look at this.*tecna has a crystal pad*It says here that theirs going to be a ball representing the crystal ball. It's a ball that mythology says you could find love..and also a princess will be going there with a crystal...
'Do you think it could be the crystal that were looking for?'
^No. If it was the crystal, then that would be the princess. The princess is the only one who knows where the crystal is.^
Musa:So anyone up for dancing?
'Well. We should check it out, who knows when an enemy could be there.'
Tecna:Well it could be a problem. Invites only.
Stella:Aw, I had perfect dresses planned for us.
Tecna:Well, their is one way. It's a masquerade ball, and I just found a back entrance with not a single guard there.
Stella:Alright! I got it! The perfect dress for all of us!!*^* all you have to do is wear regular clothes and leave the fashion to me.
Tecna:Well since we can go, let's meet right here in the garden. I'll text you guys the details later.
^Oh Ritsu. You can use magic since it seems your able to.^
'Yea, I don't know what this power is. I guess I was born with it.'
^I remember, their is a power born of both light and darkness, coming from the planet domino. The dragon flame.^
'So your saying...That I have the dragon flame?'
^I can't say unless you use it again, I will let you know.^
Time skips as Ritsu gets ready...
'Sighs.*puts on the locket Moonlight Mask dropped*(maybe...I'll see him again..)'
^Come on Ritsu. We must meet the girls at the grand hall.^
'I know I'm Coming.'
*sneaks down the stairs*
'*whispers to diana*It'd be weird to tell Grandmother and grandfather I'm going to a ball.*giggles a little and runs through the back door*(Moonlight mask...I hope I see you again..)'
Classical music fills the hall as many guest and couples dance, and Darcy walks in and secretly steals energy from humans...
Darcy:Aahaha. Humans are so easy to trick.
*Ritsu arrives at the grand hall entering the back entrance when she spots something white flash before her eyes*
'Huh?*turns to the white figure but disappeared*I guess it was nothing.'
*continues to walk and sees the girls*
'Alright, good were all--'
Stella:YASSS!!! Dress time!! Okay everyone stand still.
Musa:Here we go.
'Oh come on girls. Stella never fails with fashion.'
Stella:Alright here I go.*with a wave of her hand their outfits change to dress like in winx club* and..*turns here dress too*done!
Flora:Wow, Stella these dresses are amazing.
Stella:Thanks!^~^ oh the masks here:*with magic again mask appear on all their hands*
'Alright let's go.'
*everyone nods and they go through the back entrance of the hall*
Tecna:Alright if something happens use the communicators I gave you earlier.
'Nice. Go with the plan. Anything suspicious happening communicate each other right away.'
Everyone:Got it.
*all separate into different directions*
'(I feel...a dark presence their not making a move but something here..)*bumps into someone*Oh I am so sorry.'
"No I wasn't looking."
'*looks up and eyes widen and mumbles*moonlight mask..'
'Oh it's nothing.'
"*smirks a little and bows slightly and puts hand out towards Ritsu*it seems you have no one to dance with. May I have this dance?"
'*blushes a little* yes.'
*takes his hand*
'(For some reason this feels feels like I've felt this warmth before and this smell)'
*the waltz song play but instead it's a slow dance so close by Jon McLaughlin*
"(This reminds me of something..)"
*both continue dancing and gliding across the floor*
"*turns Ritsu and pulls her in closer by the waist*"
'*blushes*(this has to be Moonlight one else but him is wearing a long white cape...but why is he here?)'
*both stop dancing*
'It's getting a little warm.'
"Let's go out in the balcony."
'Yes. Thank you.'
*both walk out into the balcony*
'Sighs, the weather out here feels nice.*pigtails flows in the breeze*'
"It really does."
'And the moon. The moon is..*glimmers*beautiful...'
"Yes it is..just like you..*faces Ritsu who is still wearing a mask*Sailor Moon..."
'*eyes widen*i knew it*turns to face him*...Moonlight Mask..Why are you here?'
"Just here out of curiosity until I just happen to find a beautiful lady like you."
'*blushes slightly*sighs. I'm glad I got to see you again.*leans on the railing of the balcony with her hands cupping her cheeks*'
"*pauses for a brief moment*As do I."
'Then their really isn't a point on you telling me to stay away from you, because I can't. To be honest when I first became Sailor Moon everything that my friends told me scares me...what if I can't save the world?*puts hands around her arms*What if I just make a total fool of myself? I'm just a clumsy girl even though everyone thinks I'm smart courageous and--'
"*steps forward and hugs Ritsu*"
'*eyes widen as she begins to blush*'
"You have more potential then you think, so stop using negative words like that. Your sailor moon I'm sure your unbeatable.."
'How do you know that?*pushes his arms down and faces him again*'
"Because I've seen it before. In the alley,where we first met.."
*crystal sounds*
'Oh...*with a wave of Ritsu's hand her communicator appears*'
Musa:Sailor Moon, situation in the hall now. People are starting to grow weak and we have an idea who it is. It's one of those sister witches.
'Alright I'll be there in a sec.*with a wave of her hand again the communicator disappears*'
"Duty calls. I'll help you."
'Thanks. But you've seen what those witches could do. Their dangerous. We'll take care of it.*puts hand in the air*Moon, charmix power!!*transforms into sailor moon*'
"I've seen these witches. Their very powerful."
'We'll be fine. And for me..please stay here.'
"Sighs Fine."
'Thank you. Well no use for this mask.*puts mask on the balcony railing*Wish me luck!!*winks and runs off in the hall as the doors of the balcony close*'
"*holds onto the mask sailor moon wore and kisses it*"
'*runs in the hall*Oh no..'
*bodies of the guests lay on the floor*
'Girls you out there?'
Flora:Ritsu were right here..!
'*runs to where they are and sees Darcy*Darcy.'
Darcy*evil kackle*Ahahaha! Dark illusion!
*Musa and flora dodge it*
Musa:Mars Sonic Boom!
Flora:Wrapping Ivy!!
'Stop this now Darcy.'
Darcy:The Sailor Guardian I've always wanted to see. Wrapping Darkness!!*attacks he rest of the girls with a dark spell that wraps you with dark like lightning*
'Girls!! No!!'
Darcy:All alone. What will you do? Dark illusion!
*spell goes towards ritsu*
"Sailor Moon..*tries to open the door*No!!! Sailor moon!!"
Everyone:Sailor Moon!!!
'*tiara sparkles*Sphere of Fire!!*an orange sphere shields Ritsu as Ritsu closes her eyes shut*'
^(She does have the power of the dragon flame..)^
'*opens eyes* just did that..'
Darcy:*evil smirk*I knew it..Icy was right..Optic darkness!!
'Incandescent Sphere!! Ha!*throws a fire ball like power towards Darcy*'
Darcy:Oh.*dodges it*fog of darkness...*a purple and black fog fills the hall and with a dramatic moment Darcy tries to attack Ritsu when...*
'Flame blast!!'
Darcy:Oh. Argh! Geez. We'll get you back Sailor Moon..and your stupid sailor friends.*disappears in darkness*
* light fills the halls*
'*shakes head and the balcony doors start to open*sighs..*faints*'
Everyone:Sailor Moon!
"*catches her*"
Flora:Moonlight Mask..
"*lays her gently on the floor*Your her friends take care of her.*touches the tips of her hair and leans in and kisses her*"
"Don't tell her. I'll tell her when I see her again. Till then ladies*swishes his cape and runs off at the balcony and jumps down and runs off*"
Tecna:Well that was interesting.
Stella:Sighs love.
'Ugh.*wakes up and sits up*What happened? All I remember is using that power.'
Stella:Well and--mph!*tecna and Musa covers Stella's mouth*
'Uh okay. Where's Moonlight Mask?'
Musa:He disappeared after.
'Oh okay.'
^ do hold the dragon flame. It's a very rare piece of magic and dangerous if it's in the wrong hands. Those witches could be after it.^
Tecna:And when they do we'll be ready.
Flora:I'm in.
Stella:Me too.
'Thanks guys. Who knew I held this type of power. But now that they know they could probably attack at any moment. But we'll be ready.'
Meanwhile in the Trix's lair cloud tower...
Darcy:You were right sister. She does possess the dragon flame.
Icy:I'm never wrong.
Stormy:So you'd have the energy.
Darcy:I only took what I can*realese some of the human energy and they absorb it all*
Icy:Tomorrow. We'll take it for revenge. Once we take the dragon flame were going to the dark demension.. Got it?
Darcy & Stormy:Yes sister.

Act 3. Finished.
Hey it Ritsu again! Yup who knew I had this power called the dragon flame. And suddenly Moonlight Mask and I became close...he knew it was me and I knew it was him...I'm glad we met again..Oh duty calls Diana's calling me.Well see ya!!
Message of love and the moon

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