Chapter 1: The journey begins

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     Today was the day of the entrance exams. Jacob was pumped and Richard just sighed as they listened to the heroes explain the test. Basically all Richard had to do was destroy a bunch of robots. Seems easy he thought to himself. One he heard the hero say combo attacks gets both contestants points Richard began to form a plan. They were both assigned to the same battle center so all they had to do was do one of their weaker combo attacks on every robot.

     The heroes then finished speaking and the contestants were lined up ready to start. Present Mic (a pro hero and the announcer) then said "start." No one moved but Jacob and Richard . As they ran they heard behind them Present Mic scream "What are you waiting for go" and then all the contestants moved. As Jacob and Richard ran five robots appeared all 1 pointers. Richard screamed at Jacob "Ready?" Jacob nodded and they both screamed "HYDRO DIAMOND WAVE!" Jacob fired water and Richard fired diamonds. All the robots were instantly destroyed on contact. Jacob heard a boy said he was thinking of a plan with is IQ increasing quirk. Jacob needed something like that. Jacob then jumped to him grabbed his arm and copied. His quirk activated. Analyzing, Quirk: IQ, Power: Allows user to become smarter at will, Drawbacks: Requires user to have enough energy but quirk itself does not drain energy. This Quirk will come in handy Jacob thought. After Smashing a few more robots they were at 90 points each. Definitely enough to pass but they wanted to do their best.

     All of a sudden a giant robot appeared out of nowhere. Present Mic said "this is a Zero pointer. We haven't had anyone destroy one in 5 years so I recommend that you run.Richard said "Jacob let's get out of here, NOW!" Jacob replied "No,look that girl over there is trapped we have to help her." Richard looked over and saw a girl he then remembered his motive for being a hero. He said "Come on let's GO" and they started running. Jacob activated IQ and knew after this combo attack he would be out of energy. He told Richard "Were going to have to use diamond swamp to destroy it!" Richard nodded in agreement.Suddenly a boy with green hair jumped out of nowhere jumped up and punched the robot using his quirk. It was a hard hit but not enough to take it down, the robot only barely surviving. The boys arm was completely destroyed. Jacob activated IQ again and thought of a better plan. "Okay you grab the boy I'll get the girl let's just hope that her quirk can help us out here" Jacob said. Richard said "Got it!"The backlash from that punch must have broken the boys arm because his fingers are flapping all over the place and his arm is all purple Jacob concluded . Richard jumped up and caught the boy while Jacob pulled the girl out of the rubble using Arbor to lift the rubble . He asked her "QUICK WHAT'S YOUR QUIRK?" She replied " Zero Gravity why?" He grabbed her arm and activated his Quirk. Analyzing, Quirk: Zero Gravity, Power: Allows user to remove gravity from themselves and objects, Drawbacks: makes user naushous. Perfect Jacob thought we got lucky,we would have had to climb a tree I would make and by that point I be dehydrated (Arbor's drawback). He grabbed Richard activated it on him and then on himself and then they floated up to the robot. The girl shocked asked "But,but, how, how did you do that?" Jacob looked at her and said "I'll explain later" than looked to Richard and said "Ready?" Richard replied "HELL YEAH!" Jacob fired Water and Lumber at the robot the water made the lumber grow into a huge tree piercing the robots head and Richard then created fired 10 swords at the robot. It then fell back and Jacob flew up and activated Zero Gravity and dropped it for good measure. He then felt horrible and said "Yep that nauseous all right" and threw up as they floated back to the ground. Present Mic then said " That's it folks, the test is over please exit the facility. Richard and Jacob looked at each other and said in unison "WE DID IT 90 POINTS WE HAD TO HAVE PASSED!" Richard added "That move you did back there with the water and lumber was pretty cool." Jacob countered with "Yeah but you made ten swords back there you max was nine before today." Recovery Girl (Her quirk heal's also she is the school nurse ) walked over and healed the boy and girl and then left without saying anything. They fistbumped and turned to the boy and the girl and again in Unison said "Are you okay also what's your name's?" The boy said " Yeah im fine im Izuku." The girl then said "Im fine to, my name is Ochako but you can call me Uraraka." Richard and Jacob turned to leave when the girl asked "Hey I've been meaning to ask how did you use my quirk?" Jacob looked at Richard and said "RUN she can't know about my quirk," and they ran all the way back home.

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