Chapter 4: Combat training

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    The next day everyone entered school with low expectations. The beginning of the day was boring. However during the afternoon things began to get a bit more interesting.  "I AM HERE... and walking through the door like a normal person."  Everyone screamed "ALL MIGHT!"  All might was in his silver age costume and gave us the layout of the last two periods of the day "Here's the play by play where going to do COMBAT TRAINING!" Looked went from half asleep to fully awake in like five seconds. They made there way to the fake city from the entrance exam.  "All right were doing indoor training because statistically most battles happen indoor" All might exclaimed. Basically team villain has to protect a bomb until time runs out ro capture the heroes. Likewise the heroes had two options as well. Capture the villains or touch the weapon. As All Might was talking teams popped up on the screen behind him. "It will be three on three's" All Might exclaimed. Richard, Jacob and Jack were all a team and Richard told Jack the plan. Richard refused to have Jacob in on the plan for reasons.
     The match just began and Jacob was stuck protecting the bomb while Richard and Jack took on todoroki. That meant Jacob had to deal with "creation girl" and "edgelord." Suddenly a doll flew threw the door. Jacob used IQ. Probaly a flash bang Jacob thought to himself. He used IQ again and kicked it perfectly thought he door and into creation girls face. All Jacob heard was "Ahhhhhh!" and then heard the sound of the grenade explode. Creation girl walked into the room with hands on her ears cleary still unable to see. Jacob used arbor and tied her up. All Might then announced "Momo of the heroes team has been captured." From downstairs Richard heard the news and said "Maybe this will actually work!" Edge lord then rushed in "Dark Shadow get the bomb!" He exclaimed. Dark shadow was almost at the bomb when Jacob used arbor grabbed him and copied. Quirk:Dark shadow, Power: Allows user to summon a dark creature from their stomach, Drawbacks: harder to control when less light because creature becomes drunk with power. Error Error. What's this Jacob thought to himself. Half mutation, half emitter. Copy emitter part of quirk? Let's do this Jacob thought to himself. Suddenly he heard a voice in his head. Hello I'm Dark Dragon. The reason I'm a dragon and not a bird is because you liked dragons more than birds if your wondering. Can I fight for you master? "Yes" Jacob thought "Also we're partners not master and servant." "Thank you, because of that I'll do my best for you!" Dark Dragon then emerged from his stomach and locked in combat with Dark shadow. Jacob then clapped his hand and a white three merged and perished edgelord in the shoulder. "How did you do that."  Jacob chucked and replied "The mutation part of your quirk is your head Dark Shadow is technically emitter. Edgelord then began to feel his energy get sucked away. What's happening?" He questioned. I trained with arbor so much I can change the type of tree I make when I use it. "Let me guess the tree that just struck me was a sipper tree." Jacob nodded. Sipper trees were rare trees that could sap the energy from someone's body and turns it into sap. Jacob ran over and drank the sap. "Not gonna turn up free energy." Jacob said. Tokoyami then passed out. "Tokoyami of team hero has been captured." All Might announced.
     Jacob then ran downstairs and saw Richard and Jack fighting Todoroki. "Jacob get over here and use IQ!" Richard yelled. Jacob did at told and said "For some reasons he doesn't want to use the fire part of his quirk." Richard and Jack looked at Jacob and said in unison "Perfect." Jack and Richard started praising him he then started to have flowers grow all around his body. Since he received the Arbor quirk he had got all of its side effects. One of them being that instead of just blushing when he blushed flowers would grow around him. The flowers when smashed against something would release a gas that could easily make anyone pass out. It was handy but still embarrassing If people knew what the flowers meant. Richard than made a cannon and put a bunch of "blush flowers" into it and said to Jacob "Calculate the angle." Jacob still pink nodded and used IQ. He was very humble and couldn't handle complements because he didn't think to highly of himself so he blushed a lot. So much so that it influenced his costume. Jacob's costume was basically Kamui Woods but the wood armor was pink instead of brown. Richard wore a tuxedo that had multiple slaves on the inside of his jacket to store weapons and other utilities.Jack suit was a ninja gi. He really was going full on ninja Jacob thought to himself. Jacob despite being humble wasn't perfect, though he was nice he could get very brusque when talking. Jacob then said "It's ready as he jumped out of the way of multiple ice blast from Todoroki. "Jack distract him" Richard said. Jack formed multiple ice blast and foreshadowed. He threw multiple ice shurikens and then created multiple walls of ice. Todoroki was trapped. "Now!" Jacob yelled. Richard fired and Todoroki fell to the ground. "Villains win!" All Might exclaimed. The three of them walked into the room everyone was watching from. "All right Jacob was the mvp of this battle can anyone tell me why and what held back the others." All Might said. Momo walked up and spoke " Richard and Dobs were both reckless during the fight and that allowed us to sneak past them. We failed which is why we are not mvp and todoroki was easily manipulated to to a grudge again Jack for having a similar quirk. Jacob was the only one who both won a thought logically. He carefully calculated to copy Tokoyami quirk because he knew it would throw us off." All Might smiled to hide his shock. "Well you missed one thing..but besides that I think you hit all the points." All Might said clearly not wanting to show she did it perfectly. Jacob was now a bush of flowers and Richard had to cut all the flowers carefully so he didn't end having to go to recover girl. While Deku's battle was going on Tokoyami walked up to me and said "Dark Shadow is hard to control. You will get sleepless nights full of nightmares." Jacob looked at him and smiled "I already have all of those things I didn't waste most of my energy for nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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