Taehyung checks his instagram like usual but a certain follower stands out to him. He decided to check his out his most recent pic.
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145 likes datbunkook: i'm hungry
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minsugad i told you i'll make something datbunkook @ minsugad i don't want ramyun again katiekat i'll feed you ;) datbunkook @ katiekat ew no i'm gay papaJoon i'll bring pizza to your apartment datbunkook @ papaJoon you're a life saver
"This guy is kinda cute right, hyung?" Taehyung tilted his phone to his friend next to him. The older shrugged not looking away from his own phone. "Hyung!" Taehyung slaps the older's shoulder. "Aish! Okay! He's alright." he looks at the screen and slumps back. "Hm should I dm him?" Taehyung smiles to himself. "I guess, does he go to our school?" Jimin asks. "Not sure."
Taehyung decides to lurk on his page a little before deciding.
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95 likes datbunkook: @ minsugad you're uglee
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minsugad kys datbunkook@ minsugad you love me :) minsugad no go away die
He laughed at the comments under his photo but accidentally liked the photo... which was from 2015.
He screamed and threw his phone across the room. Jimin looked at him weirdly, "The fuck?"
Taehyung buried his face in his hands and let out a groan. Suddenly he hears his phone ding and his heart drops. He retrieves his phone embarrassed.