Taehyung sat on his bed, his finger hovering over the button that would let him facetime his crush. He took a deep breath and pressed it.
Taes pov
The phone rang two times before he answered. A shirtless dark haired brunette showed up on the screen. Actually he only had boxers on. And me? Oh I was dying.
"Hey Taetae." The nickname causing a blush to take over my face. He didn't seem to notice thanks to quality and lighting.
He smiled into the camera. I had seen his smile in pictures but it was still so beautiful. The way his eyes smiled before his mouth. Man I'm so whipped for this coconut boy.
"Hi Kookie." I say giggling.
"Oh my god your voice is deeper than mine aha, it's still cute." Jungkook laughs making me cover my face with my sweater paws.
"Shut up or I'll hang up." I roll my eyes.
"Awe baby boy you'd leave me so soon." He tilts his head and looks directly into the camera. I cover my face once again to hide the blush that made my face completely red.
I sigh and change positions on my bed. "You're testing me."
"Oh you love it." He tries to wink his eye but ends up looking like its irritated from something being in it.
"Pedophile." I poked my tongue out at him.
He put on a hurt face while dramatically grabbing his chest. Causing us both to laugh.
We talked for a couple hours. About anything in the world. I remember hearing his voice softly lulling me to sleep before dozing off.
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158 likes datbunkook: even your little snores are cute
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oops_V ew i probably looked like a whole dry tater tot datbunkook @ oops_V you always look amazing jimiN IM SHOOK YALL CYUTE