"Jiminnnn, don't be mad." I whined tugging at his hand. "No you're abandoning me and I'm mad at you." He got out of my grip and crossed his arms, pouting.
"I told you I was sorry. It's just I have a test I really need to study forr ." I said. Jimin crosses his arms and pouts, "But it's not fair nobody wants to hang out with me and you know," his expression changes, "I obviously can't hang out with Hoseok."
I knew why he couldn't hang out with him also. The truth is they broke up because Hoseok cheated on him. Jimin couldnt believe it and when he confronted him in school they had a whole argument in front of a crowd of people resulting in Jimin slapping Hoseok in the face. After that, Jimin didn't come to school for 4 days. He was his first boyfriend and this whole thing had Jimin very depressed for while. Only this past week have we gotten him to be open in the slightest. He became pretty clingy wanting to hang out all the time to take his mind off of his sadness. Couldn't blame him though.
"I know but everyone is busy right now ya' know." I put my arm around his shoulder. "Yeah I guess." he says sadly.
But what was really going on was Jimin's birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks. We all had planned to meet up and plan a surprise party for him. We knew that he was going through it so I thought that this would cheer him up. Even if it took making him sad a little bit.
"Anyways gotta blast, I got geometry and you know Mrs. Son is a b-word." I say jogging away.
Later that day Jin, Namjoon, Namjoon's little sister, Seulgi and I all met up after school. We all sat in a circle with notebooks and snacks ready to plan the party.
"Okay, Jin, you're in charge of food and drinks. Namjoon, music? Seulgi, you and I will handle decorations and we'll all work together to keep it a surprise." everyone nods excepting the tasks and getting on to what they have to do.
"So tell me Tae, are you going to invite your little boyfriend? Hmmm?" Jin teases me. I roll my eyes in embarrassment, "Okay first of all, he's not my boyfriend and second of all I don't know, probably not." I continue looking for decorations online.
"What Tae I didn't know you had a boyfriend who is it?" Namjoon asks curiously. "Oh it's this guy online named Jungkook, he's a cutie." Seulgi explains. "Jungkook? I feel like I know that name," he ponders for a second, "as in Jeon Jungkook? College kid, super dark black hair?"
I look up shocked. "Yeah y-you know him?" I ask nervously. "I've met him a couple times, I'm good friends with his roommate Yoongi. We make music all the time since I take college classes, but I see Jungkook here and there." Namjoon explains. "Well now you definitely have to invite both Jungkook and Yoongi." Jin says excitedly. "Yeah I guess." I trail off. "Okay then I'll head up Yoongi about the party I'll tell him to bring Jungkook and some college friends."
What did I get myself into?
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246 likes jimiN: sad boy :(
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oops_V do you want me to come over and bring you food? jimiN@ oops_V yes please:( oops_V okay mochi omw breadjinnie you never bring me food when i'm sad :((( namjoon.rm @ breadjinnie that's what you got me for breadjinnie @ namjoon.rm you're right ily oops_V @ breadjinnie @ namjoon.rm GET A FUCKING ROOM PLS THX
"Soo you're having a party for Jimin?"
"And I can comee?"
"I mean if you want...you don't have to." I shifted on my bed playing with my hands.
"Do you not want me to?" Jungkook furrowed his brows.
I panic and look at the screen. "NO! Im n-not saying that! I mean of course I do bu-"
"But what?"
I sigh. "Nothing, you can come, I want you to." I say without thinking.
"Okay then. So that means I'll finally get to meet you!" Jungkook smiles widely. Oh that smile is pure evil.
"I guess so!" I smile back.
"Yay okay, well I gotta go get ready for class." Jungkook says happily. I reply with a quiet 'okay' as he stands up.
"Okay bye kisses." he says before hanging up. I fall back in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I guess this is it...