Chapter One

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I let out a string of alien curses when I realize my pod is going to crash into this distant planet of legends called Earth. As the nose of the metal points downward and erupts into flames, my heart races faster while I plummet into the atmosphere. I don't have any control over the direction in which I'm planning to land, and I'm no longer able to calculate exactly where I am without the digital map that originally lit up the now darkened screen of the computer.

An automated voice from overhead warns me of my descent and suggests moving to an escape pod. But that's the problem in this situation -- this is an escape pod. 

"You're wired wrong," I hiss in response and lick my lips soon after. I find it odd to speak the common language of the humans. Of course, they have many. English was one noted in the texts speaking of the legend. Through the years, I've studied from these writings and learned much from them.

The warning rings in my ears again. I slam my hands down on the console in anger, which does nothing to help me. I grip the wheel tightly and try to steer, but it's absolutely no use to try anymore. The ground rushes up towards me, but it's not what I expect. Instead of the grasses or clear waters, I see a field of golden plants. I'm not sure what plant this is, and I don't have time to think about it before my pod crashes into the abundance of it. The long tendrils smack against the glass as if greeting me.

The pod whirs to a stop and all the lights inside shut off, leaving me in darkness. Almost immediately, the flecks on my skin begin to glow and illuminate the interior. They automatically do so -- they sense the dark. This could prove to be a difficulty later if I want to acquire the item in which the legend speaks of. 

I flip a switch along the panel of a small device and close my eyes as tingles are sent throughout my body -- a process I've gotten used to. This mechanism will allow me to appear human. When I look into the reflection of the circular windows, that's precisely what I perceive -- an ordinary person. The only thing that could spark interest to people are my amber irises.

Blinking rapidly, I lean forward to inspect myself. There's a splatter of freckles on my cheeks and shoulders. My lengthy, ebony hair trails past my middle and ends at my rump. My hips are wide, but my waist is tiny. The rest of my figure is muscular and sinewy, perfect for fighting.

Satisfied with my appearance, I slap a red button. The doors whistle as they open. I wait for the oxygen of this new world to reach my lungs. It is fresh and crisp, burning my insides when I inhale. I will have to adjust if I desire to get the job done. I must do this, and I will succeed under any circumstances. Everything on Phol'ue should be destroyed. Especially my mother, Empress Vugne.

"She has never been a mother to me," I snarl and clench my fists. I make my way into the meadow of yellow wisps. 

This realm is definitely not as I would have expected, and even the pollen of these crops causes me to sneeze. I rub my nose furiously and click a button on the exterior of the pod, causing it to collapse into a simple rectangle. Shoving it into the pocket of my cloak, I sniff and attempt to find my way through the crops. I stifle more sneezes throughout. What the people call "allergies" seem to be affecting me.

"Damn," I test an English curse word. "This planet may just be the death of me."

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