Somethings, Are Just Unseen

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Felicity Smoak-

Felicity shot up as Oliver and Diggle came down the stairs into the lair. Her first action was to run up and hug Oliver to death, but on a broken leg? That wouldn't go well. 

Oliver was laid on the metal examination table and he groaned. 

"Before I jump 5 stories and forget to shoot, let's make sure there's a giant fucking cussion at the bottom!" he growled. 

Felicity chuckled and Diggle helped Oliver. 

"Any leads on Slade?" Oliver asked, changing the subject off of him. 

Felicity walked over to her computer and brought up several windows,"Yes."

Oliver smiled happily,


"Don't get your hopes up. Because they've lead me nowhere." Felicity began. She pulled up one window that had a picture of an explosion at Iron Heights,

"A couple of weeks ago Iron Height's prison exploded and 5 men escaped." Felicity began and turned around to see Oliver hobbling over. She instantly turned around and Oliver put a hand on her chair. 

"Who?" he asked.

Felicity clicked her pen,"That's the thing, we don't know. And before you say, 'Felicity when it comes to finding out things, your a god damn guru,' I've already checked. I've hacked into every security camera and found nothing out of the ordinary. On that day all the camera's went out.. So, I mean no big surprise there.. So.." Felicity looked up at Oliver. He was still looking at the screen and then looked down at her.

Oliver Queen-

Oliver listened as Felicity began giving him the rest of the leads.. Nothing added up.. Slade wouldn't rob a bank, no reason to. Nor would he explode Iron Heights.. Wait... 

"Felicity, pull up the security cameras." Oliver began. 

Felicity brought up the window and Oliver slowly bent down. He almost lost balance, but he held on to Felicity's desk quickly. Her computer shook and Felicity glared at Oliver. "Please don't break that,  I can't work everything from a tablet." Oliver looked at Felicity and smiled. It was cute how much she cared for her electronics.

"I'm not going to break it, and if I did, I'd buy you a new one."  Oliver looked at the clips. 3 clips. 

He took control of the mouse and Felicity sat back. He clicked the first one and saw 3 guards walking down a hallway. The second one showed nothing, just a guard sleeping in a chair. The th- 

"Oh my god." Oliver zoomed in on an officer that stood in the third one. He had a orange and black hokey mask on. "Felicity! That's Slade!" Oliver zoomed in further and watched Slade throw something on the ground. The camera went out and Oliver slammed his hand into Felicity's desk. 

She jumped slightly and Oliver slowly got up. Fury raged through him and he hobbled over to his costume. "Oliver, you can't go out." Diggle insisted. Oliver hobbled on his broken leg and Diggle ran over as he almost fell over. 

"I have too!" he argued through gritted teeth. Sara walked down the stairs,

"I'll go." she offered. 

Felicity Smoak- 

Felicity's blood boiled as Sara entered the lair. Of course, she was better at almost everything... Felicity sighed loudly and everyone looked to her,"What was that for?" Oliver snarled. 

Felicity gulped realizing,"You know, how about Diggle and Sara go." Felicity stated. 

Diggle looked to Sara and Sara looked to Digg,"Good idea." Diggle said taking Oliver's bow from him. He put it back in it's glass container and then he walked to the stairwell. Sara shot a glance at Oliver and then turned around and left.

Felicity held her breath and exhaled. That actually worked. Oliver looked at Felicity who sat in her chair by her computer. Oliver glared at her and he walked over to her. Felicity felt her heart skip a beat as he put his hand on her's. It was firm and smooth. She gulped as Oliver bent down and looked her straight in the eyes. Felicity closed her eyes wishing she would disappear, until Oliver kissed her on the forehead. 

Felicity's eyes opened and Oliver got up and looked down at her silently. Felicity felt her blood go cold and she was clearly shocked,"Wh-.. Wh- Laurel... Sara? Me?" Felicity babbled about and looked up at Oliver clearly confused. 

Oliver smiled and Felicity felt herself melt. She was really happy, and wanted it to stay that way forever... It was just.. He was already fighting a battle between two women, that's the last thing she needed. To get in between a sister, sister fight. Not what she wanted. Felicity slowly stood up and looked at Oliver. Oliver looked back to her and their eyes met; blue on blue, Felicity melted. 

Oliver Queen-

Oliver felt all of his fears blow away as he looked into her crystal blue eyes. He broke the silence,"How's Diggle and Sara doing?" he asked. 

He watched Felicity open the window and he walked over. Diggle had taked out a guard and Sara had taken out two. He heard all the inmates scream about themselves and he cringed. His mother was once in with those people.. He closed the window quickly and looked away and ran his fingers through his sandy hair. Felicity looked up at him,"Oliver?" she asked.

Oliver sighed and turned around,"I'm fine Felicity.." Oliver reassured her, knowing that's what she was going to ask. Felicity nodded her head and turned around. Felicity was right, Laurel, Sara, now her. Oliver lost himself deep in thought and didn't realize Diggle and Sara walk into the room. Sara tapped him on the shoulder and Oliver was knocked back to reality. Sara moved herself up to him and Oliver felt Felicity's eyes burn into his side. He brought Sara into a hug, knowing she was going to kiss him. Sara slowly brought herself down and walked away silently. 

"Thank you Diggle.," Oliver began patting Diggle on the back,"you can go home. You earned it." Oliver smiled. Felicity looked at Diggle and Diggle looked at Felicity. Neither said a word. Oliver knew he was actually being nice, but that was only lasting because the woman he loved was there with him... And he only realized it today. 

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