I'll Be There Some Day..

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A/N-Sorry for the timeskip. I want to make it so it slightly matches up to where Oliver and Ra had their duel and then poof. Ollie's gone. Felicity is 5 months pregnant.. So. 3 month skip, 2? Who knows, but putting it out there so you're not confuzzled. -Scourge988 Instagram-Olicityforlife'

Felicity Smoak-

Oliver had been gone for two months. Everyone knew about her pregnancy now.. But that didn't make her happy.. Well, she was happy, but Oliver wasn't there. Sitting back in her chair, she let out a sigh of frustration. Her bump had grown and so did the broken piece of her heart. Oliver had gone off to fight Ra's Al Ghul, to a de- "Diggle?" Felicity asked panicked. 

Diggle instantly whipped around,"You okay?" He asked. 

"Wh-What if... Oh my god.." 

Diggle instantly darted foward putting a hand on her shoulder.

"He's not dead Felicity." 

Felicity looked up into Diggle's dark eyes, she didn't believe him. 

"I'm suppose to believe that?!" she got up slowly, but quickly.

"He's been gone for two months. He would've told us if he was still alive!" Felicity's voice filled with anger as she glared at Diggle. 

"He's not dead Felicity." Diggle repeated, firmly this time,"He's out there. He survived years on an island. If he can do that, he can survive years in the mountains." 

Diggle hugged Felicity tightly,"He's not dead Felicity.. He can't be." Diggle repeated himself as Felicity cried her heart out. 

Oliver Queen-

Oliver lay in a stream. Snow covered his arms and legs as blood flowed out of his chest. The sky above was grey and cold. The wind howled as the hero slowly sat up. Blood gushed out of his chest and he screamed out. Crows flew off of the ground beneath him as he looked around for a way to stop the bleeding. 


"It's not much.. But it will stop the bleeding." 


[If you want good music to go with this, 21 Guns by Greenday. :3] Oliver looked around for a large blue tinted leaf. Crawling on the floor.. Dying slowly he dropped as he reached a small plant. Skyfall. Oliver grabbed the leaf and squeezed it over his wound. Screaming out he watched the liquid take it's effect and instantly cover his wound up. Slowly he got up and staggered foward. He heard a ring and looked around. Instantly he looked up and saw the large rocky wall before him. Off the top of the cliff came a bag crashing to the earth beneath. Oliver grabbed the bag as it hit the floor and looked in. A sweatshirt and bandaging? Who sent this for him? Who was up there? Oliver looked up to see a figure ontop of the cliff. It was a woman.. He could tell. Oliver shook his head and turned around walking the other way. The ground beneath him was layered out in snow as he staggered on. Looking down he saw the trail of blood that followed him on his journey home.  

[Stop 21 Guns here. :33]                                                

Malcolm Merlyn-

Malcolm looked at the video he held on his phone as he walked into Verdant Nightclub. Home to the Arrow cave and Starling's ex-billonaire. He felt fufilled that Oliver was dead. Thea didn't know Merlyn was back to tell the crew that Oliver was dead.. He didn't want her to know. It's enough to break their hearts, but not his daughters. His veins grew cold as he neared the back door leading to the foundry of the heros. He used the skeleton key and walked down the stairs to be met by a gun put to his head, an arrow to his chest, and.. Thea? Merlyn gulped and held out his phone. "Shoot me and you'll never know." he stated calmly looking at Felicity and Thea in the chairs. He watched his daughter get up and walk between the boys. 

"Touch them and I will put an arrow in your neck." she hissed. 

Merlyn looked at his daughter and smiled,she was growing up to be stronger than he could ever had imagined. 

Felicity Smoak-

[Another music moment to add to the moment. Cold byJorge Mendez]

Felicity watched Merlyn leave and watched Thea walk over. She felt her stomach churn inside of her and she shakily began,"Give it here Thea.." 

Thea nodded her head and gave Felicity the phone and stood behind her. 

Felicity clicked play on the video and watched in horror as two men fought one another for victory. She instantly broke into tears as the video caught Oliver's face. Diggle had placed his hand on her shoulder, but that wasn't enough. She finally broke as she watched Oliver drop to his knees at the edge of the cliff. She watched Ra's mutter something as her boyfriend tumbled off the cliff, effortlessly. She dropped the phone to her lap as she covered her eyes. Tears flew down her cheeks and onto the floor as her family gathered around and shared tears of their own. Their hero.. Their brother.. Dead. Felicity choked thinking about it.

"H-He's gone.." Roy stammered. 

Thea looked at Roy and hugged him tightly as tears streamed down her face. 

Diggle looked at Felicity and wiped away some of the tears under her eyes,"He will be back.. I-I know it." Diggle promised,"He won't leave you. He promised." Diggle reminded.

Felicity instantly looked to Diggle,"He's dead!" she snarled,"He tumbled off a damn cliff and he's dead! I-I didn't.. My child's father.. Is dead." she watched as they all starred at her. Instantly she ran out of the room. 

[Cold stops here. :))]

Oliver Queen-

Oliver finally turned around as he fell into the bloody snow beneath him. Looking into the air he coughed. 

"I'll be back Felicity.. I-I promise.."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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