Chapter 6 - Meanwhile

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Christine's POV:

Jeremy could not calm himself down. His best friend was missing. Not missing in a legal way, but he couldn't find him. It was so weird not being able to see or talk to Michael for a long period of time. Sure there was the incident, but other than that, he talked to Michael everyday. He had time for Michael all the time. Jeremy knew he has to treasure his best friend, otherwise he might not have Michael for long. He did kind of save Jeremy's Life....

Even though Jeremy was freaking out about not seeing him, Christine went out to do some investigating on her own. She knew Jeremy had been upset (if it wasn't obvious by now) and ever since that day at school, Jeremy went into this dark place. She knew that Michael was important to him and all, but..... poor Jeremy doesn't know what to do with himself without his best friend. Christine knew that she had to help no matter what!


Christine was at the mall one day with Jenna. They were hanging out in the food court talking and having fun, because Jenna broke out some of the usual gossip, and even some new stuff. Christine was never usually one to take interest in it, but she liked hearing what Jenna had to say.

On this particular day, Christine felt very odd. She considered excusing herself from her conversation with Jenna, but she couldn't pull away for some reason. But she needed to know what was wrong. Lucky for her, Jenna was getting a call from Chloe, and gave Christine a quick "I have to take this!" and got up and walked over to the water fountain so that way Christine didn't hear what they were talking about.

Christine dazed a bit, and started staring at things without thinking, until her eyes landed on a bright red object in the distance. "Ah," Christine said out loud, "Must be Michael," and she started to call out to him, but then he walked into a store like he was trying to get away from something. Christine cocked her head to the side in confusion. That weird feeling she had was starting to get a little stronger, and she had a weird craving for Mountain Dew all of a sudden.

Jenna finally came back, and noticed that Christine was a little off. "Hey, you okay?" She waved her hand in front of Christine's face, and then snapped, and Christine focused again. "Oh- yeah, sorry. I just got lost in thought."

Jenna took that as a sign to continue. "Oh my god, oh my god. Okay, so Chloe just called me about her Date with Brooke, and she was fuh-reaking out about it sooooo much....." Christine eventually stopped listening, as her attention drifted back to the direction she saw the hooded figure in. She couldn't help but think something was going to happen. And then out walked Michael from the store he was in.

Christine squinted her eyes to focus on Michael a bit more. He was holding something that Christine couldn't make out, and then he quickly shoved it into his pocket, and ran into another store. Odd, she thought, as she directed her attention back to Jenna.

Jenna was still going on about Chloe and Brooke, but said that she needed to leave soon, because of some nail appointment, but she apologized and said that she had a lot of fun with Christine, with a quick hug, she ran off into the mall. Christine grabbed her things, and was about to walk away, and looked over one last time at where the red hoodie was. "I have a bad feeling about this."

<Flashback End>

Christine was outside of Michael's house to see if anything strange was happening. She knewthis was kind of stalking Michael, but she didn't know what else to do. She didn't even know if Michael was home. She was guessing because of the PT Cruiser in the driveway that Michael was probably going to sleep soon.

Christine looked at the clock. Almost Midnight. It's already that late? She should probably give up. Christine searched her pockets for her keys, and when she found them, just before she was going to put them into the ignition, she heard a scream.

Christine automatically jerked up at the sound. "That's definitely Michael's voice."

Another scream was heard through the car windows. Christine thought something bad was happening. It sounded like he was being murdered. She knew this was invading Michael's privacy, but she decided to get out of her car, and she ran over to Michael's lawn to look in Michael's window. He was rolling around on his bed clutching his head like he was about to explode, and then a massive blue light appeared, and what looked like a Shadow showed up in the middle. Because Christine was outside, she couldn't make out the words she was hearing, but all of a sudden, Michael blacked out, and the Figure disappeared.

"I'm glad I listened to my gut, because I think I know what's going to happen." Christine got back into her car and drove away. When she got back home, she got ready to sleep, and the words repeated in her head.

"It's from Japan....."

Word Count: 888


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