Chapter 5

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A/N: alright here's chapter 5

(No one's P.O.V)

Artemis was walking around when she saw Dick and Wally go into Tony's lab. She walked over and watched what they where doing, she saw Dick drink something. She thought nothing of it till he started shrinking rapidly, Sge heard Wally say something before running in. "Wally what did you do?!" She asked him scary calm "we where just playing around and Dick drank that, speaking of. "Dick where are you?!" Wally whisper screamed. They heard a small sneeze and saw a little lump under a pile of clothes. Wally walked over and removed some of the clothes to reveal a small scar covered toddler. "Dick! Come here bud." Wally said holding out his arms. Dick crawled over to Wally, good thing he had a diaper on. (I had too, I didn't know what else to write) Wally picked him up and Dick started playing with Wally's hair. "We should probably find Stark." Artemis said looking at Dick. Wally nodded and they went to look for Tony.

~~Time skip brought to you by toddler Dick~~

(Tony's P.O.V.)

Peter needed help with his suit so we where currently in his lab working on it, when we heard a knock on the door, well I did at least. Peter was to into his work. I walked over and opened the door to see Wally, Artemis and a toddler? I'll have to ask. "What's with the toddler?" I asked cooing at the baby. Because contrary to popular beliefs I do have a heart. It might be a blue circle but it's there. "Well uh we where sorta playing around in you're lab and Dick drank some clear bubbly liquid and turned into a toddler. Hehe" Wally said nervously. "What?! I don't know when that'll wear off or if it will wear off! What does he remember?" I asked franticly. "Hey Dickie what do you remember?" Wally asked the toddler. "Wll I rebember up to a week before my perants death anniversary." Dick said in a toddler voice that made them all coo over. "Wait that means you don't know him or that the death date has passed" Artemis said trying to clarify. Dick started crying and Wally glared at Artemis. "We have to fix him." I said and got Peter out of the zone, (barely) and we began working on a cure.

A/N: well that was today's chapter hope you enjoyed!


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