A blizzard of emotions

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A/n sorry about no update last week but I hope you enjoy the final two chapters of this book. Also start song here

Jade POV

I woke up slumped across my work bench, feeling an icy breeze coming from the window. I stand up and walk over to it, when I looked through the frosted glass it was obvious that a snow storm was coming.
" I hate this weather" I mumble.
Flash back

Quirin pushed Varian and I away and when we turned around, we saw he was being incased by amber.
" I wanna help!" I pleaded
" it's too dangerous for you to be out in that storm. Please stay, do what you can to slow down the amber." Varian asked me, holding my hands
" I'll do what I can" I said.  I frantically push my chair over to a desk and start furiously mixing chemicals together. After dumping a bunch of compounds on the amber and seeing that nothing was working, Quirin sighed and spoke to me.
" Jade stop, you've done all that you can, just please look after Varian for me"

Next flashback

" they....will...pay" Varian said vengefully, under the glimmering moonlight. I push my chair up behind him, wrapping my arms around him and crying into his back.
" I'm sorry, I tried everything I could think of" I sobbed into him.

End of flashback

Once I've broken myself out of my trance, I realise how much time I've lost, so I get back to work immediately. I pull off the front panel of one of my automatons and climb in, working on the wiring.
Indie burst in excitedly
" Jade you won't believe it! All of Old Carona is on our side, they're ready to go now.........what's that gigantic thing you're working on? What's it for? Why does it look so scary?" Indie asked me rapidly
" they're called Automatons, I need them to break my friend out of the castle" I reply, climbing down from my machine.
" so.....why do you need the people of Old Carona then? I thought we were organising a peaceful protest" Indie said cautiously
" well...yeah.... but without the peaceful part" I said cheerfully
" well...Um... this isn't what I signed up for....so, I'm outtie" she says, throwing me a peace sign and promptly leaving.
" good thing she already served  her purpose" I shrug, leaving the lab.
When I open the doors I'm shocked to see that Indie wasn't lying; all of Old Carona is crowded outside of the lab and waiting for me.

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