The Edge of the World

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Astral's pov

The Stars have quieted and here I am looking out into an ocean of darkness.  "I never knew they were right. There is an edge to the world." I didn't know anything about this place. Who lived here, what lived here, what this place even was called. Tho by pure instinct I followed the edge of the ocean, still looking out over it. "I almost expect a boat to come through... " Eventually the sun came up high into the sky and I was very hungry. "HELLO?!" I shouted in hopes someone would hear me. "Why hello Astral. I'm surprised you came here so quickly."

Koumei's pov

Its been a few days since Dantalion basically spilt out her life story to me, tho much to my disliking she won't say a word now. "What is Pa Elmer?" ".... "  I sighed in frustration. This was getting no where. I decided not to tell my brother and King. Thinking that he would make some ruckus that would eventually find its way put of the palace through gossip and ruin our advantage. Although I have no doubt in my mind that I'm going to get a long lecture if I find this "Star Speaker", not that mind tho. Putting away all war plans, I stood up and got my pigeon feed. "Sitting in an crowded room won't help my troubles... " As I left my room I noticed the stars were strangely still out. "Is it night already?" Slowly closing my eyes I emerged what Dantalion told me about this "Star Speaker" being her descendant. "....... I'm insane..... " I grabbed Dantalion and djinn equipped, them wrote a small letter to my brother and left to go to the garden.


My dear brother and King,

If you see me out in the yard talking to the sky, I assure you I still have my rationing brain still functioning in my head. I won't say that I may need a psychiatrist after this even because I truly believe my sanity and common sense has left me. Please do not:
1. Hit me for being stupid
2. Lecture me til our next meeting
3. Stare at me in shame
4. Wrestle me down to the floor when I fall asleep instead of paying attention to those boring nobles who think their the center of the world.

Your dearly appreciated and probably slightly insane brother and follower,

Ren Koumei

Hi guys. C here. I hope this was good and that I didn't keep you waiting so long. I was on a trip and then got sick, and with work my life was like. "COMPLETE HALT AND REWIND." So yeah.. Sorry again and thanks for reading. Have a good day/night.

Word count: 455

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