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Liza's POV:

he's doing it again, david told me before we started dating he used to drink a lot when he was sad,depressed, no longer happy with the people he's around, he's told me that's why he's distanced himself from everyone

L: where are you going?

i asked as i watched my boyfriend walk down the stairs going towards the door

D: out

he said with a sign of anger and annoyance in his voice before he slammed it shut

L: okay

it's like at this point i'm a slave, i love him too much to leave him but maybe i should just love him enough to let him go, after all he's drinking, what he does when he's unhappy


finally, he's home, my thoughts showed as i heard the click of the lock and key

L: hi
D: hey

he said as he sat next to me

L: are you drunk?
D: 100% sober
L: prove it

he smiles as i chuckle, he grabs my face softly pulling my chin to his, our lips connecting to make a sweet, sweet kiss, us slowly pulling away, looking into each others eyes, as if we were teens having our first kiss with out crush

L: yep, no alcohol in sight

i said earning a chuckle from him

D: come here

he said opening his arms for me to crawl into

D: i need to tell you something

he says 30minutes into the boring ass commercials

L: hm?

i say humming as i look up at him

D: i'm sorry, for begin distant, drinking and not showing you how much i love you and am thankful for you, i know i told you i drink when i'm unhappy, but that's not what's going on, i don't know what's going on really i've just been drinking a lot, but i promise you i'll stay home and help you more often, i haven't been out drinking every night i'm planning something but i'll try showing you how much i love you and appreciate you, i know i haven't done that a lot recently but i really do love you liza
L: i love you too

he kissed my forehead softly

L: i've missed this
D: i've missed it too

this is where i love begin, this is where i belong, in his arms, but little did i know the big suprise the future had to come....

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