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Lizas POV:

as we begin walking off the stage after making our speech for the vlog squad winning, David and i are in the back, he puts his arm around me, and i lean in for what i was expecting a peck, but turned out to be a small loving, sweet, passion filled kissing, a quick one that felt like it was hours long, just him and i , no one else, like it was us against the world, but there was no one to be against, it was magical, as we slowly pull away we stare into each-others eyes and take in the beautiful and so precious looks and colors before turning back and walking off the stage as he held onto me

L; if anyone seen that, the internet will go crazy
D: they can go crazy, but they wont go as crazy as i am over your beautiful amazing self

he says as we get off the stage

L: smooth dobrik

i say giggling


short i know I'm sorry i'll try making them longer but rn I'm working on things plus school so, 💕

oneshots ,, dizaWhere stories live. Discover now