My cousin can't spell!

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My cousin goes to her grammas and texts me from the grandmothers phone. This is a conversation I had with my 9 year old cousin who is going into third grade about a thing I went to called Craft Class!  N=Nikki M=Me

N: Savannah wat u don fr class

M: What?! Nikki write out the whole word!

N: It hrd to on ths fone

M: Well I'm not texting you if you don't!  Its pretty annoying trying to decifer what you are trying to say!

N: Kk


But seriously she is lucky I can't punch her in the face. And she is totally obsessed with this game Little Big Planet. Whenever I am near her all she talks about is "LBP THIS LBP THAT!" And she also tries to tell me something about one of my weird obsessions 'Minecraft'. The other day she told me that Steves name is really written Stephe and I am like "Coming from the girl who spells Faulty like Fatality!"

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