Chapter 5- The Score.

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Wellston's private high school was the same as everywhere else. (Y/N) thought that it was ranked number one because of its academic achievements, but in reality it was because it had the highest concentration of high tiers in the province. There were ignorant, egoistical, and spiteful students at every corner.

(Y/N) was almost immediately accepted into the small friendship that consisted of John and Seraphina, constantly meeting up with them during lunch and after school. (Remi was out of the picture, although she was always kind to help (Y/N) in need, she was busy with her own research and occupied by Blyke and Isen).

Even though Wellston's Ace, Seraphina, was their friend, (Y/N) and John were still constantly beat up in the halls, washroom, and everywhere where Seraphina wasn't. It was tiring. The (H/C)- haired girl insisted on doing her work in the infirmary so she wouldn't be left behind in class. While John wasn't as lenient with the piles of homework building up each hour. Sometimes he merely sat in the corner staring at his hands with anger and distraught.

The bullying must be wearing John down. The (E/C)- eyed girl noticed. Over the past few weeks, John's joyful golden eyes hardened when he thought (Y/N) wasn't looking. His eyes were always furrowed in frustration and his fist clenched so hard it turned white. It pained her to watch him pitifully fight an internal battle. Will I break too?

On a casual Sunday, (Y/N) and Seraphina hung out at John's place, usually uninvited. It was most convenient because in the girl's dormitory, Remi always had Blyke and Isen over, and Elaine always snooped around where she shouldn't. John fortunately lived by himself, far from the stressful battle of school. From his house, (Y/N)'s first and foremost impression of John was that he was a neat freak. Not a single speck of garbage was ever found on the floor, which always seemed to be glittering.

"Okay guys, I gotta shower first, so help yourself as always," The golden-eyed boy instructed allowing the girls in. He was sweating and it seemed like he was working out before they interrupted his routine. Who wakes up early just to exercise?

As John retreated to the bathroom, the (H/C)-haired girl crashed face-first onto the sofa, nearly dozing off at the softness and peacefulness of the moment. "Remi giving you a hard time?" Seraphina asks taking a seat on a wooden chair at the kitchen table.

"Yeah."(Y/N) murmured into the couch. She flipped herself over, and draped her arm over her eyes to block the harsh sunlight. "She keeps watching the news on repeat every night. I'm starting to think that's what makes her sleep." (Y/N) explained.

"You know if you're having troubles, I can talk to Remi." Seraphina offered, respectively waiting for John to cleanse himself.

(Y/N) shook her head. "Ur-uhm no it's fine," she awkwardly says, realizing due to the arrangement of the furniture, Sera could not see her behind the couch. "It's better than complete silence, I guess.."

"Whatever you say." The fushia-haired girl shrugged.

Breaking off (Y/N)'s eight minute nap, which she groaned in complaint whining 'ten more minutes Mom' —even though she never had one— John appears with a tank top and shorts on. His hair a wet mess even as he dried it off with the towel draped around his neck. "So where to..?"

"Bed. Goodnight." The (H/C)-haired girl grumbled indignantly.

John looked at the tired girl nodding away on his couch as if she's grown another head, "What's up with her-?"

"Remi kept her awake all night." Seraphina explained.

"Are you going to talk to Remi?"

"No, (Y/N)  said she doesn't mind it."

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