House of anubis Discovered?

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Discovered? Chapter 4

*Eddie wakes up in a box and his hands and feet are chained so he cant move*

Eric- oh look who woke up

Eddie- ow how many chains did you need god and if it wasn't for this box i could escape

Police - so what are you an alien or person or what

Eddie - a person obviously

Police- then how do you have all those powers

Eddie- I'm the osirian, and im not a threat

Police- then why did you freeze them

Eddie - i didn't mean to

Police- well now you will be used for testing and depending on your powers more

Eddie- i just wont use them

Police- we have ways to get you too

Eddie - yah sure

*the government comes in and takes him to a secret room there*

Police- stay put for a few minutes don't try any funny business

Eddie- umm tied to a chair.

Police- exactly ill be back

*The door slams*

Eddie- time to get free

*Eddie melts the chains*

Eddie- theres no window or door wait whats that on the floor a circle shape! The locket

*Eddie puts the locket in and goes through the door and leads to Eddie's closet*

Fabian - Eddie!?

Amber- how did you?

Eddie - long story but they know about my powers and i'm not safe they're coming after me again but I'm putting my phone in my boot so i can contact you all they will come after me again

Fabian- okay we can stay in the crypt nobody will find us there and keep the door opened Through the tunnels

Patricia - okay we need to sneak down there before Victor sees

*They carefully sneak to the crypt and go to sleep*

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