House of Anubis Discovered?

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House of Anubis Discovered?

Chapter 5 💕

(A person comes in )

Person- time for you too meet my friends and I Eddie

* the person puts a mask over Eddie and he passes out and the person takes him*

(The next day)

Fabian - feeling any better Eddie?

Amber- where did he go!

Patricia- look this must have fallen its like a thick cloth

Fabian- this is from a mask and. This one doctors have it must have been someone bad

KT- oh no where is he !!

(Back with Eddie)

Eddie- where am I ?!

Person- dont you know who I am

Eddie- no

Person- the gas must have made you forget

Eddie- what ?

Person- im rufus

*rips off disguise*

Eddie- no!!!!

Rufus- and my helper Victor

Eddie- What are you going to do

Rufus- not sure yet but i have time to think

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