Chapter Five

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Harry stopped walking down the aisle of the auditorium and turned back to see Draco beaconing him from the stage with a crooked finger. Harry looked around in confusion. Rehearsal had finally ended for the day after overrunning a couple of hours. But it had been worth it. The change in Neville was noticeable and moral was up for the entire cast and crew.

Harry had to say he'd been looking forward to grabbing an Indian takeaway on the way home and a pack of beer so he could crash on the couch. He was knackered. But Draco had reappeared and now he was calling Harry back.

So of course Harry went.

Maybe Draco had been watching from the wings? Harry had missed him by his side that afternoon, but he'd also acknowledged some time apart was probably for the best. His body got all tingly just thinking about what had happened earlier in the rehearsal room.

By the time Harry reached the stage, Draco had sat himself on the edge, dangling his feet off the side. He was grinning at Harry as several of the other cast members chatted excitedly behind him. Most of the crew, including Lockhart and Trelawny, had either already left the building or had made themselves scarce working in their own departments.

"What's up?" Harry asked as he stopped in front of Draco. He hoped he sounded casual, even though his heart was already banging in his chest. Traitorous thing.

Draco waggled his eyebrows at him. "We're going out for a drink," he said, jerking his thumb behind him to indicate the other dancers. "Join us."

Harry's heart went from beating fast to not at all, or so it felt. "Oh, no," he stammered. "I couldn't – I mean, I don't want to intrude."

Draco frowned. "Why on Earth would you be intruding?"

Harry could feel himself starting to blush. "Because you're all dancers," he managed to say without tripping over his words too much.

Draco laughed. "Oh, don't be daft, that doesn't matter," he said and winked at Harry. "It's an open invitation, anyway. If we see any more of the crew on our way out, they'd be more than welcome to come."

Harry glanced at the gaggle of dancers. Zabini was among them, but so was Neville and Luna as well as a guy called Terry Boot that Harry quite liked. Pansy, one of the women, saw him looking and crouched down behind Draco, draping her arms over his shoulders. She smiled at Harry like a cat who'd cornered a mouse.

"Hello, sweetie," she purred. "Are you going to come out and play?"

"Well, um," Harry said and laughed. "Haven't you guys got rehearsals tomorrow?"

He knew fun well they did, because he set the schedules. But he felt out of his depth and wanted to stall for time. Did he really feel able to spend time with Draco socially, outside the theatre? That could be a disaster if he wasn't careful.

Neither Draco nor Pansy called him out for being a spoil sport though. Pansy just chuckled, kissed Draco's cheek, and stood to take Parvati Patil by the hand to discuss what they were wearing. Leaving Harry with Draco.

"Come on, now, Harry," Draco said with a smirk. "Live a little. I promise we'll get you home in time for bed."

Shivers fluttered over Harry's whole body. He hoped Draco didn't notice. God damn it. Why did the man have to be such a flirt?

But was Harry really going to pass up this chance? What was his other option? Go home alone and watch the telly?

"Sure," he blurted before he could change his mind. "I could come out for one."

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