Chapter Six

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"I lost you last night?"

Harry looked up from where he was sat in the control booth at the back of the Sadler's Wells auditorium. Draco was stood in the doorway, smirking at him.

Harry almost changed his mind and gave in. But the he glanced at Ron sat next to him. He subtly raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

No. Harry had to be strong.

"Your foot must be feeling better if were able to climb all the way up here," Harry said, flicking through the cue sheet. They had dress rehearsal today and he couldn't be fucking around.

Draco frowned, like he didn't follow Harry's comment. "Oh, yes, thanks," he said with a smile. "I should be able to perform tomorrow, thank goodness. I'll spend today stretching and marking through the choreography."

"That's good," Harry said, determinedly writing an additional comment on his notes. This was crazy. There was no reason for his heart to be breaking. He and Draco were never even together.

"So, did I bore you last night?" Draco pressed, raising his eyebrows. "You didn't say goodbye."

Harry tried not to huff and gritted his teeth. Jesus, Draco had enjoyed his fun, whatever it had been. Did he really have to torment Harry further? The bottom line was if he cared about Harry at all he wouldn't have ditched him to practically have sex with Zabini on the dance floor.

"I had a headache," Harry said with a tight smile. He looked over at Draco. "Besides, someone has to run today. It didn't seem like a good idea to get drunk and do something I'd regret."

The smile melted from Draco's face. "I see," he said curtly. "Well. You're clearly busy. I'll leave you to it, Potter."

The use of his last name stung. But when Draco left, Harry breathed out in relief. Good. If they stopped playing games, it would make their lives easier.

They just had to get through this show tomorrow night.

"Nice one, mate," Ron said. Harry looked back over at him and he nodded at Harry. "Dodged a bullet there, I reckon."

Harry hummed but didn't reply either way. He honestly wasn't sure how he felt. It was probably for the best Draco had backed off. Harry needed to let the hurt that was curled around his heart fade away. Whatever there had been between him and Draco hadn't been real, so he needed to forget about it.

Not long afterwards, their sound guy, Lee Jordon, joined them. Any further conversation regarding Draco and Harry's feelings for him was mercifully put on hold indefinitely.

The day went well in terms of rehearsals. Draco walked through his part like he said he was going to, but Neville didn't seem put out he had been relegated back to the chorus again. In fact, he seemed very cheerful indeed. Harry wondered if that had anything to do with the looks he and Luna kept sharing. He hoped so and was happy for them if that was the case.

Someone around her deserved a bit of luck.

When it came to the fouette section, Draco didn't even attempt them. He just did the arm motions then moved swiftly on to the next bit of chorography, despite Lockhart pulling at his hair and hissing that he needed to 'see his vision properly'.

"It makes sense for Malfoy to rest," he said to Lockhart over the walkie talkie system, calming him down. "If he says he can do it tomorrow, he'll do it. Besides, his health and safety is paramount above all else."

Lockhart grumbled that Harry was probably right and moved on to the next section of the performance. Harry glanced around and realised Ron and Lee were both looking at him.

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