Epilogue - Several Months Later

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Harry grumbled as the bed dipped beside him. "Noo," he mumbled with an air of petulance. "Don't go, it's so early. Stay."

Draco chuckled, leaning down to kiss his cheek and brush back his hair, mussed from sleep. "It's okay, darling. Go back to sleep."

But Harry was awake enough now to fumble his hand over the bedside cabinet and find his glasses. Slipping them on, he looked up at his boyfriend and smiled. "I'll make it worth your while if you stay," he suggested saucily.

Draco laughed again and bit his lip, looking down at Harry with extreme fondness. "You make a very tempting offer, sweetheart. But someone has to work around here."

"Oi," Harry said, slapping his arm, making them both grin.

He was only playing around. He wouldn't really make Draco late, not when things were going so well. For two creative professionals working in the theatre industry, they were extremely fortunate to both have steady work in London. Harry had worked several shows in a row now with the Royal Shakespeare Company, most of them at The Globe on the Southbank. And Draco had gotten himself a yearlong contract working on the new Andrew Lloyd-Webber musical.

It hadn't taken Draco long to ask Harry to move into his apartment in Notting Hill. He was possessive in the best kind of way. Never interfering with Harry's friends or stopping him going out by himself or any of that crap. But by having the utmost faith in their relationship, and Harry for that matter. He treated Harry like he hung the moon. Harry didn't always understand it, but he felt pretty much the same way about Draco, so he felt it best not to question it.

His heart ached with love, even after all these months together. Nothing made him happier that this Christmas he had someone he wanted to spend the holiday with, to spoil with love and presents and indulge in too much cheese and wine with.

Someone he wanted to spend many more Christmases with. All of them, he hoped.

Harry knew he wasn't always the most observant of people. But even he couldn't fail to notice when Draco loudly complained Harry didn't have any rings and made him try on several of Draco's. 'Just for fun' apparently.

Harry poked Draco's side. He was already dressed in a rehearsal outfit of leggings and several layers of vests and T-shirts to peel off later. His coat was in his arms, ready to head out the door. But Harry knew his ticklish spots by now.

"Can't I have my present early, Draco?" he wheedled playfully. "You can have yours." He batted his eyelashes at him. Harry had managed to find an incredible deal on a two-week trip to New Zealand for them next summer. He couldn't wait to see Draco's face when he opened the tickets.

But Draco just arched a pale eyebrow and leaned over to nibble on Harry's earlobe. "Wasn't that my present last night?" he asked, devilishly. Harry blushed hard, his cheeks probably glowing with heat.

He was still sore from the borderline obscene sex they'd spent half the night indulging in. Draco kept coming up with new and interesting ways to make Harry come, new kinks to drive him wild. Harry was waiting for the shine to dim from their new relationship bliss, but so far, things were better than ever.

Sure, they had the occasional augment. Draco had a filthy temper when he was over-tired and Harry got grumpy when Draco nagged him about household chores. But they always made up and tried to talk about what was really on their minds.

The truth was, Harry was so in love, little disagreements always fizzled away after a while, especially once they started cuddling.

Draco must have sensed Harry was feeling just a tiny bit clingy, because he put his coat down and lay back down on the bed, hugging Harry close to him. "Go back to sleep, darling," he said gently, kissing Harry's hair and caressing his arm. "I'll get back from work about the same time as you tonight. I can pick us up that yummy risotto you love and we've got more of the red wine in from last weekend. We can cosy up on the couch with a Christmas film."

"Elf?" Harry asked hopefully. Elf was his favourite, but they hadn't watched it yet.

Draco laughed and kissed Harry's lips. "So long as we can watch The Holiday tomorrow. You know Kate Winslet is my goddess."

Harry rolled his eyes. He'd been pretending he didn't want to watch that one. But he secretly didn't mind at all. He just loved teasing Draco. "Sure," he said with a pout.

"Come here," Draco said with a grin, catching the lip between his teeth, then segueing into a tender kiss. "Take an Insta photo with me?"

Harry smiled and ran his fingers down Draco's cheek. "Is that so I make you look good by looking like a bird's nest in comparison?"

Draco scoffed, already taking his phone out. "You are your most adorable in the mornings, and you know it," he said, angling up the shot.

The truth was Harry had been scared to make himself a part of Draco's Instagram life when he found out he had over ten thousand followers. But the majority had warmed to Harry with incredible enthusiasm and Draco's followers had almost doubled since they'd started posting together about their London life. Companies even paid them to do a bit of promo work every now and again, or sponsored their clothes. It was pretty cool.

Not as cool as the way Draco snuggled up to Harry, nuzzling him for kisses while he snapped a few shots. Then he put the phone down and kissed Harry for real.

"Urgh, I have to go," Draco groaned after several minutes. Just when Harry was starting to get hot and bothered. Damn him. He'd have to have a shower wank instead.

"I'll let you go if you promise we can pick up where we left off tonight," Harry told him.

Draco placed a single, chaste kiss on the tip of his nose. "Promise, gorgeous," he said.

Harry watched him go and refused to feel melancholy. It was just because he was all snuggly in bed and he wanted to keep Draco beside him. But Draco was absolutely loving this new show, and he got to work with Pansy again, so Harry was happy to wave him off. Harry should enjoy his slight lie in then get himself ready for a busy day of work too. He was working on a beautiful children's Christmas show about a magic pair of ballet slippers. So he even felt close to Draco when he was there.

His phone pinged, making him pick it up. "Oh, what a surprise," he said to himself with a grin. "'Draco Malfoy has tagged you in a photo on Instagram.'" But when he looked at the message under the picture, Harry's smile was rivalled by the lump in his throat and the tears that pricked in his eyes.

'I love my job,' the tag read, 'but it's so hard to leave this one in bed (in more ways than one!!!) I adore you @theboywholived. Sorry to make you wait for your Christmas present, but it will be worth it, I promise. You are my everything. Whoever thought a twisted ankle would be the best thing to ever happen to us? Maybe only beaten by a fur coat ;) You're my lucky star, my compass at night. No matter how badly I fall, I know you'll always catch me. I want this pas de deux to never end.'

The message was followed by several hearts and hashtags. Harry smiled, allowing the happy tears to escape from either side of his eyes as he hugged the phone to his chest.

In the end, he just double tapped the picture to like it and replied with his own three love hearts. He was tempted to write several texts to Draco, but he deleted them all. Finally, when he had to get up and shower for work, he settled on a simple 'I love you'.

Harry was sure he knew what his Christmas present was going to be. Whether Draco gave it to him tonight or waiting until Christmas morning, Harry guessed the gift would be accompanied by a question.

And when Draco asked Harry to marry him, Harry would say yes. Because they were destined to dance together in this duet forever.

The End

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