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To Heather
I had an amazing night with you, I hope you didn't feel sad when you didn't see me when you woke up. I am really sorry but I can't make a relationship with you, I really like you. I hope we still can be friends. Here is my phone number ******* Call me if you want
From Chanyeol

I took my phone out and saved the phone number in my contacts, He is pretty nice so why not be friends.

Some days later

Chanyeol and i have been texting each other really often these past days. He is really nice and always asking me if I have eaten. But he can't talk to me when it's day because he is really busy, he hasn't said anything about what it is but I don't really care. He just talks with me when it's night.

Today I am going to my uncles company so my uncle can show me around the building. Because I am going to work there. I have 1 week free before I begin.

I heard a honk outside, that means it's my uncle. I walked out the house and looked the door. I went in the car and greeted my uncle. "Are you ready to go to my company?" He started the car " Yes I am really exited to see what you are working with " he chuckled " My people is really popular, have you heard about exo? " " exo? Isn't that a kpop group? " he smiled " yes correct " " so you are the CEO in sm entertainment?" " Yes I am the CEO " "Wow, so cool " I said sarcastically

After 10 minutes we arrived at the company. My uncle parked the car and we got out. When we went inside everyone bowed to us. His secretary came and showed the way, she was telling me about the different rooms and people here. My uncle had to be in a meeting with a kpop group, I don't really know who but it was probably someone popular.

We went inside the meeting room and silently sat down. Everyone was staring at us (most me) when I sat down I leaned against the chair and took up my phone. My best friend Brooklyn had sent me a text.

I almost began laughing when I read the text.

"Heather where are you? I need your help!! You know that guy I slept with, well you probably know. He is at our house and ringing the doorbell and screaming my name, I thought we where just having s** and nothing more!!! What should I do!??"

"Brooklyn just turn on the sprinklers so he will become wet "

" okay I will do that, Thank you"

When I put my head up my uncle was staring at me and the other people. Did I laugh!? OMG NO!
"Give me your phone heather" my uncle said in a cold tone. I gave him the phone without saying a word. He smiled at me and went back to talking. I looked around and saw nine handsome boys. I didn't want any eye contact so I turned my head to the side and stared at my uncle. But it was one boy that looked super familiar to me, I just shrugged it off and thought about something else.

The meeting was so boring, I tried to take my phone back but my uncle just had to lock it inside a drawer. After the meeting my uncle made a sign for the boys to go out. I looked at all nine of the boys, and one of the boys I stared really hard at. He was tall and really hot. OMG I am so stupid it's Chanyeol.

He looked behind and stared right into my eyes, he smirked and turned around and began walking. I blushed and I was trying to hide it but my uncle just had to see it and scream it out, so Chanyeol could hear.
"Are you blushing Heather?!" I blushed even more at his comment "no I don't" "haha you are so red, is it someone you like in here?" After my uncle said that he winked at me "no. Stop it you are embarrassing me" "okay, okay I will stop"
Chanyeol turned his head and smirked.

When I could go home, my uncle asked if he should drive me but I said no, just because I wanted to go drink some bubble tea. And Brooklyn was going to come. I went inside the cafe and ordered what Brooklyn and I always orders, I got my drinks and sat down. I saw her running inside the cafe, when she sat down it looked like she had ran a marathon.

" Brooklyn you okay? Have something happened? "
"Yes something happened. You know the group exo!?"
" Yes I know the group exo because you always talk about it "
" They are coming to this cafe today, or not all of them just three " she whisper screamed
" How do you know? "
" I go here every week on this day and I see them here, they always sits.... " she looks around
" They always sit there! " she pointed to the table beside us

" Yeah I believe it " I rolled my eyes at her statement
" It is true Heather! " she whined
" Yes i believe you " I lied
" Good you should always believe me "

2 hours later

Me and Brooklyn was talking about what I did today at my uncles company, and when I said my uncle was the CEO at SM entertainment she almost screamed super loud. But I closed her mouth as fast as I could when I heard her scream.

Brooklyn and I sat probably at that cafe for 1 hour before we saw that almost no one was in the cafe, I looked beside us and saw three boys sitting there. They all had just black on and was sitting on "exo's" place. I patted Brooklyn on the shoulder and I was trying to use my head to point at them so they wouldn't see that I was pointing at them. She looked at them and almost fell from her chair when she saw them. I grabbed her when she was almost falling.

They looked at us, then I saw those eyes where have I seen them before?

(Heather is wearing the picture on the left and Brooklyn is wearing the picture on the right)


I am sorry for small chapters. I am trying too write long chapters.

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