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Ailee awoke early in the morning with the strange sensation of someone watching her. She opened her eyes to see a handsome raven haired man smiling at her like a love sick puppy.

"You're adorable, you know that?" The man said booping her freckled nose.

"Sirius..." she groaned in annoyance, but her cheeks turning red at his compliment and the corners of her mouth twitching upwards into a reluctant smile.

"It's true! I've never figured out how you can be so adorable and so sexy at the same time. It baffles me. Keeps me up at night." Sirius said somewhat dramatically for 5:30am on a Sunday.

"Go have some tea," she smirked as her husband rolled his eyes at her tried-and-true cure for his insomnia.

"I would, but then I would have to go out there." He said with a mock shiver, "and I wouldn't get to look at your cute face anymore." He pouted.

She flushed once again while he grinned.

"How do you manage to still make me look like a tomato after all these years!" Ailee said putting her face in her hands.

"Talent?" He said smirking.

She shoved him lightly.

"Hey Hey Hey! No need to get violent Mrs. Padfoot!" He said with a laugh.

She smiled rembering the one who bestowed that name to her all those years ago when times were simpler.

"Sirius. I miss them." She said in a small voice, tears pooling in her baby blue eyes. He knew exactly to whom she was referring 

"I do too Blue." He told her, his own eyes glassy as he pulled her into a comforting hug. Not a day went by that he didn't miss James Potter.

It had been nearly five years since the day they lost their two best friends. Nearly five years since Sirius lost his brother, James, and Ailee lost her sister, Lily. They may not have been blood, but they were as good as. It was this deep love that protected their godson and made him untouchable by the zeleot remainders of Voldemort's following.

The family had spent nearly five years out of the public eye. They traveled often to remote areas for Ailees work as a magizoologist while Sirius fixed up motorbikes, learned to play the electric guitar, and played with his adorable kiddos any chance he got. Sirius's inheritance from both his uncle Alfard and from his own family, allowed them the luxury to never work a day in their lives if they so wished. However, neither he nor Ailee were the type to sit and do nothing. The decision to stay out of the public arena was made in an effort to protect their godson, Harry Potter, from the wizarding world that revered him as a hero. This decision was easy, almost as easy as the decision to take him into their home and raise them as their own.

"MUMMY!!!" A girl's voice whined loudly from outside the door. "DADDY!!!" It whined again.

"Oh no. The pups are up!" Sirius said hiding under the blanket while Ailee giggled. "Maybe if we ignore them they'll go back to sleep?"

"Oh stop acting like you weren't up early waiting for them in the first place!" Ailee chided her now smirking husband.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're a legilimens... but then I remember how utterly clueless you were in school... how could you not see how smitten I was?..." he trailed off looking at his is pouting wife.

"I wasn't clueless... I just thought you liked someone else." She defended.  


"I suppose we should parent them now or something, huh?" Sirius asked.

"Bring me some tea while you're up!"

"Anything for you Blue!" He said giving her a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Now what's this I heard about a kidnapped teddy?" Aliee heard her husband ask once he was out of the bedroom, smiling to herself.

Two Padfoots and a ProngslettWhere stories live. Discover now