|2| Ribbit! Ribbit!

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"Move it, pip-squeak!" Gwen said, pushing past her little sister Wendy once they were aboard the train. "I've got to find Katie!"

"Ow—but Gwen we were supposed to..." Wendy trailed off as her sisters auburn hair faded into the distance. "Sit together..." she finished for her ears only. Her mother always said Gwen had a 'big personality', but Wendy knew it was really just code for, 'she's kind of obnoxious but we still love her'.

With the prospect of having to find a new seating arrangement, Wendy looked around nervously, fingers playing with the end of her dark curly hair, trying to step out of the way of all the people pushing past... hoping they couldn't tell how overwhelmed she was.

The whole morning had been utter chaos. Once they got everything packed into the car and finally left for Kings Cross (which took much longer than it should have because Gwen and Harry kept running back inside to grab stuff), they still had to turn back three times: first because her dad forgot his favorite book, next because Gwen had to go to the bathroom 'Right that minute or she would pee her pants', and last because Wendy forgot her teddy bear.

Once they made it to the platform, there was hardly any time to coordinate with people shuffling to and fro—and somehow she and Gwen got separated from their parents and Harry.

Now with Gwen gone, Wendy was left shuffling through a sea of strangers, alone and quite overwhelmed.

"H-Harry?" she called out shyly, looking around but seeing no sign of the messy haired boy. "M-mummy? Daddy?" she tried, standing on her tiptoes, straining to see if perhaps they were still in view. Even if Gwen wouldn't sit with her, she knew Harry would.

"Oh, what a cry baby! Already whinging for your mum and dad?" sneered a boy about her age. He had sleek white-blond hair, cold grey eyes, a pale complexion and rather sharp, pointed features. Wendy could tell right off the bat that he was definitely not the sort of person she wanted to assort with. "Pathetic..." he spat, looking down his pointed nose at her.

"Th-they're Professors..." she stammered, trying to pretend she was more confident like Harry was, hoping that he might leave her alone if he knew there were authority figures on her side—worked with Gwen at least.

The boy, whom she just realized was flanked by two other, rather large, brutish boys who could have easily been part troll, stalked closer, eyeing her up and down unpleasantly. "What's your name?" he asked in his posh accent.

"Uh... W-Wendy..."

"No—your surname," he said impatiently.

"Erm... Black—but why does that—?"

Recognition flashed in his face. "And who's your father?"

Wendy frowned. "I don't see why that's—"

"Answer the question," he said intimidatingly.

She blinked. "S-Sirius, Sirius Black—but sometimes Uncle Moony and mum call him Padf—."

"So you're one of my blood-traitor cousins, eh?"

Blood traitor? What did that even mean? And cousin? Did she even have cousins? She knew she had a few on her mum's side, but she hadn't met them... "I'm sorry, I don't—"

"TREVOR! TREVOR, WHERE ARE YOU?!" called a desperate looking chubby boy around her age, hunched over as he walked, searching on the floor.

"Relax, Neville. We'll find him," said a girl with bushy brown hair and rather large front teeth.

"Come on, Crabbe, Goyle—" the weird blonde boy said, stalking off down the train to find a compartment. "See you around, Black!" he snickered just before he 'accidentally' bumped into the boy, Neville, searching for 'Trevor'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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