// nervous //

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// nervous //

it was the first tuesday of october, and louis was nervous. not the jittery, sweaty-palms type nervous, but the, about-to-shit-my-pants type nervous.

tuesday was the only day that milly was free to hang out.

on monday, wednesday, and thursday, she had hours at the mini mart that sold expired candy and rock hard peanuts.

on fridays, she would always go out with these people that had leather jackets and pastel-colored hair. a whole group of them.

and on the weekends, louis had long hours at the gas station about 15 minutes from here.

so every tuesday, louis would walk over to her house, but always leave without knocking. he would always find a lame excuse to leave, letting his nerves get the best of him.

but this tuesday was different. he could feel it.

maybe it was the air or the unusual silence.

but he felt something in him, that was giving him this extra push.

the voice that once mocked him, that told him he was never good enough, was gone.

in its place was a new voice, giving him encouragement; bravery.

and with his newfound courage, he left his house, making his way across the street;

to milly.


i thought this chapter was alright; nothing too special.

just wanted to clear up that she is not a minor. she is no longer in high school. hopefully that doesn't give away her age though

also this book will probably always be in third person, since every fanfiction is in first pov. it may change tho idk

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