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"Would you mind telling me where Noah is?" I asked the young lady whose name is Cindy.

"He is busy," She replied. I stared at the girl and noticed how tense she got once I asked her about Noah. I didn't say another word as Cindy bowed and made her way out of the room closing the door behind her.

Noah would barely come into the room. After he came in and explained everything to me, he didn't return. He will come in every once in a while to shower and change clothes but he'd leave soon after and not return.

I was bored. There was no television in the room. I would sit in this quiet empty room all day with absolutely nothing to occupy myself with and I was beginning to get sick of it.

I walked towards the mirror and stared at my appearance. My long brown hair were in loose curls due to the tight curls that were once in my hair falling down and being brush away. I wore a black dress that showed a little cleavage and stopped a little above the knee. I groaned and made my way towards the bedroom door.

Fuck it.

The door opened and I peeped my head out. My eyes widened at the view in front of me. There were many doors down the long hallway. I had no idea where to go. I walked further out of the bedroom before closing the door behind me. I could hear voices and laughter coming from down the stairs. I quickly made my way towards the stairs before walking down the stairs. I followed the voice until I was in the kitchen.

As soon as I stepped foot in the kitchen everyone stopped talking. There was an awkward silence.

"Hi," I greeted only for everyone to continue to stare at me.

"I just wanted to get out of that room," I said again. There was still nothing. I was embarrassed. I put my head down, nodded and made my way out of the kitchen to head towards the boring ass room.

I wanted to go home.

"She's bored! Noah keeps her in that room all day! Imagine how she's feeling!" I heard someone whisper in the kitchen.

"She's not supposed to be out of the room, we could get in serious trouble!"

"We could get in trouble for ignoring her! She's our Luna, she's the Queen!"

Suddenly, I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see one of the women who were in the kitchen, "Would you like something to eat?"

Twenty minutes had passed and I was still in the kitchen talking with everyone. There wasn't anything awkward going on and I was happy. It was my first time really speaking and being around lots of people in a while.

"Where's Noah?" I asked while standing up.

"Alpha is in his office with..." One of the guys trailed off. I nodded my head before walking out of the kitchen. I remember seeing a door that had the words office written on it. I kept searching until I finally laid eyes on the door.

There we go!

I placed my hand on the doorknob before pushing the door open. Noah looked up from his the ceiling and he placed his eyes on me.

"I wanted to talk to you about-" I started but I was cut off by a woman's head. She was bent down in front of Noah but I could clearly see her.

"Ororo," Noah started to speak. He tapped the girl and she stood up while wiping her lips. Noah quickly jumped up showing me all of his glory before pulling his underwear and pants up.

"Sorry," I apologized quickly and ran quickly to the front door. I opened the doors to the Palace and ran outside. There was a huge crowd standing around the Palace but I didn't care. I wanted to get away. I needed to get away.

"Ororo!" I heard Noah yell behind me which caused everyone standing around to bow their heads towards me in respect.

"Don't fucking bow," I warned while pushing through the crowd.

"Ororo!" Noah yelled and grabbed my arm pulling me back towards him.

"Get off!" I yelled, "Get the fuck off!"

"Don't you dare speak to me that way!" Noah yelled.

"Fuck you!" I exclaimed.

Everyone in the crowd watched on with shocked looks on their faces. This was the first time that someone had ever spoke to Noah like this but I didn't give a fuck. I was just as much as royalty as he was and I refused to kiss his ass.

"Let's go home and talk about this!"

"Home? This place isn't my home! I hate it here! I am locked away in a fucking bedroom all day with absolutely nothing to do. I miss my family. This ain't a home, this is fucking hell!" I yelled while attempting to walk away.

"You're being a fucking embarrassment! Get back in the fucking-" Noah started but I cut him off.

"You don't tell me what to do! You may boss the bitch who was sucking your dick around but you will not do the same to me. I suggest you make a fucking U-Turn and leave me the hell alone," I finished.

Noah's eyes were black at this point and I could see that it was about to explode. Noah grabbed my wrist and basically yanked me towards the Palace as everyone watched on with wide eyes. We stepped inside and he slammed the doors behind him. I turned around to see everyone inside of the Palace standing around watching us as we continued to argue clearly ignoring them all.

"You're an asshole," I said while walking up the stairs.

"You're a pain in my fucking ass!" Noah's loud voice boomed which caused me to flinch. He was officially pissed off.

I kept walking until I was back in the room, Noah slammed the door behind him.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He asked.

"You are my problem, all of this is my problem!"

"You're really disrespectful. I bring you to my country to protect you and this is how you repay me!"

"You only did it because we are mates. I do not know much about this mating shit but I do recall you saying that we were mates and we were destined to be together but you didn't respect me, did you?"

"You don't have to be my mate, I could always reject you!" He exclaimed.

"Oh My God!" I exclaimed, "Set a bitch free! Reject me, I beg of you!" I said while getting on my knees in a begging position.

"You are a Queen, get up!" Noah said while grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

"Now you have a problem with someone being on their knees but you seemed to enjoy it a few minutes ago!"

Noah began to walk towards me. I backed up and kept going until I hit the bed.

"I wasn't going to do this but you made me," Noah said. Before I could reply, Noah's lips were on mines. He pushed me onto the bed while taking one of my legs and wrapping it around his waist. I moaned into the kiss which made Noah take his lips off mine and smirk. He began to attack my neck in soft kisses.

"Noah," I whispered.

Suddenly, I felt a pinch. My eyes widened and began to try to push Noah off but he was too strong. Noah pulled away before blowing on the area where he bit me which caused me to moan softly.

He sat up and kissed the area before mumbling under his breath, "Mine,"

"What did you do to me?" I asked.

"I claimed what was mine," Noah answered. I didn't get the chance to reply. I was too weak and exhausted, I felt like the life was sucked out of me. I didn't say another word as I let the darkness take over.

Alpha NoahWhere stories live. Discover now