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"I know you're nervous but you've got to hurry!" She said while quickly closing the door behind her. She ran over to me and gave me a soft smile.

"You're not even dressed yet,"

"Who are you?" I asked while staring at the excited girl confusingly.

"Princess Sofia!" She stayed as if it was obvious. I continued to stare at her, "Noah's sister,"

"I didn't know he had a sister but hi!"

"You're running super late to your own wedding! You're not even dressed!"

I stood up before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I woke up this morning with a knock on the door to hear a guard tell me that today was my big day and I should start getting dressed.

I was too close to shitting myself.

The hairstylist came in twenty minutes later and put my hair up into a tight bun and I've been sitting in an oversized T-Shirt since...

Which means I've been like this for an hour.

My thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door, "Ororo," Sofia said, "You must get dressed!"

"I'm not ready for this! My life has changed drastically in a few weeks but marrying someone who I've just met is a huge no!"

"It won't be that bad," Noah's said. My eyes widened as I stared at the door in shock, "I promise to at least try to be the best husband that I can be, Ororo. They won't touch you as long as you're married to me. We need to be married for at least a year and then you're able to go,"

"I'll be able to leave?"

"No but I'll make it an exception. If you hate me this much then just continue to be my wife for a year while I try and get this rogue situation figured out then I will let you go,"

"You promise?" I asked.

Noah chuckled, "I promise,"

I sighed heavily before sitting on the floor, "Okay,"

I heard Noah release a breath. I could tell that he was still at the door, "Come out and get dressed, I'm leaving to give you privacy,"


"I'll meet you at the alter,"

"See you there,"

I heard the door to the room slam shut so I took the opportunity to open the door slightly to check if anyone was still in the room. I sighed in relief to see the room empty. I walked over to the beautiful wedding dress that laid across the bed and stared at it in amazement.

"I can't believe you're getting married!" I heard a familiar voice screech behind me. I turned around to see Lucy standing in the closet while watching me with a huge smile on her face.

"Lucy!" I exclaimed while running over to her.

"For fucks sake!" She mumbled into my hair, "I missed you so fucking much!"

"I missed you more," I replied, "So much more!"

"I'm not even going to ask why the both of you are getting married so quickly, I'm just happy as long as you're happy!" Lucy said while pulling away. I watched as she walked over towards the bed before turning the television on, "Get dressed!"

I grabbed the dress and slowly put it on occasionally asking Lucy for help.

"Why are you watching that?" I asked as I sat at the vanity while touching up my makeup.

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