Straight Foward

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"And she is with Dillon isn't she?"


"I'm sorry. come here." and brought me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Cam. I love you."

"I love you too."

He got up and we went to the living room. He was putting his shoes on.

"Where are you going?"

"Stay here Talia. I'm going to take care of this."

"Cameron please don't hur.."

"Talia I'm not going to hurt him!!" Then he ran out the door.

I got a text

My better half: Talia, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I'm so stupid and I hope you are okay. She just came in and I was so scared if I did anything with you or asked you'd think I was taking advantage of you and I know that doesn't give me a reason to cheat but she was just there and I'm so Talia Faith. You are my world and I just hate losing you like this. Please call me when you get this.

I needed rest. I put my phone down and went to sleep.


I went to the drivers side and seen Mady sitting there on the phone.

"Baby will you get in the passengers seat?" I whispered.

She nodded her head and got out and got in the passengers seat it was quiet for a good 10 minutes while she was on the phone.

"Now where are we going?" Mady said

"I'm going to go talk to Sammy.."

"Cameron don't.."


"Honey I just want everyone to get along the little time we have left! You all have one more tour. Just get along until then."

"We are family. We will always have our ups and downs. I know the fans get upset when they see us fight but I mean families fight all the time."

"I know. I just remember when I was one of them seeing you all get into it all the time."

4 minutes later

I had Mady go to Mahoganys room and talk to her and I went to Sammy and Talias room. I knocked. And heard someone go to the door and opened it and there was Sammy. Tears running down his face.

"Hey man. Come on in."

"Listen we need to talk."

"I'm so sorry. I need meant to.."

"Just listen. I don't care who yo screw around with, how many girls your screw just don't be dating my sister while doing it. She is so loyal and you just go around like it's nothing. don't talk to my sister and if you do and you hurt her again your gonna get it."

"I'm sorry man. She means so much and I would give anything for her to be in my arms with me Cam."

"Dude its okay. As much as I want her with Shawn... I'll talk to her."

"Thanks. so much."

"if you hurt her..."

"if won't.  I love her so much Cam.."

I walked out and got in the car to leave. When we got to the apartment I ran up there to Talia and she was asleep. I sat on the other side of the couch and she sat up.

"Well hello sleepy head."

She laughed. "How was your talk."

"Well.. I was thinking... You should go talk to him.. Just see how it goes." then she went upstairs.


I texted Sammy.

Talia: Sorry. I was tired and went to sleep. meet me tonight at the park around 8. They are having a little movie.

My Better half: Okay baby. I'm so sorry. I love you.

Talia: I see you tonight.

I got dressed and went downstairs where I seen Cameron and Mady making out.

"OH MY GOD GET A ROOM" I yelled and they laughed of embarrassment.

"Ya'll wanna go eat and then drop me off at the park?"

"Yeah sure" said Mady

We went to some Mexican restaurant and then they dropped me off to meet Sammy. I called Sammy.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in my car. The far right. The last car."

"Okay see you in a minute."

I ran over there and seen his car. I seen him on his phone and I bent down and went to his window and jumped out scaring him.

"Oh my Go...!!! Talia!!!" I started laughing and he opened the door I ran and he began chasing me.

"No!! Sammy!" I yelled while he grabbed me swinging me around and putting me on one of his shoulders.

"This is so uncomfortable!!" I yelled, laughing. And then he laughed.

He let me down and we hugged. We held eachother so tight. I started to cry. and after a while he did too. I let go and we started walking back over to his car. He rap his arm around me and I walked closed to him and I put my arm around his back. After the movie we went to the hotel. And layed down and watched tv. Sammy got a text. It said "Acacia" What? I didn't mean to be nosey but I kind of watched.

Acacia: You were so damn good today hope your relationship won't get between us.

Sammy: Acacia baby it was good but I can't do this every week. I'm with Talia I'll text you later.

"Just keep texting her..." I said getting up.

"Couldn't hurt me any more than I already am." I started getting my stuff together and packing up. Gilinsky walked in.

"Hey where ya going?"

"Back home."

"Talia babe! Please let me explain" Sammy said

"You've explained enough. don't you think?"

"Please stay and let me talk."

"No! I'm done!! I wish I never met you!  And I wish you would die so no other girl would have to go thru the pain you give!!!" at this point I was crying.

"Fuck you! I never really liked you anyway. I mean you are not laid back at all and you have so many flaws! Like your hair and and you need to gain like 50 pounds. you probably make yourself throw up! I wouldn't doubt it!"

I turned towards the door and starting crying. so hard.

"Bro. That was so uncalled for." Gilinsky said.

He walked towards me.

"Come on. You can stay with us. you'll just have to sleep with me or Johnson."

"That's fine. " I said thru my cries.

I didn't want Cameron to do anything to Sammy. I didn't want him to worry. I can't go..


I never meant what I said. She is perfect. Why and I so stupid. Acacia had just been a friend that was always there and I just couldn't tell her yet. I had to wait until I was in person.. But I guess I should've waited.. I'm leaving. I drove to go meet Taylor and chill for a few. I could feel me speeding but I'm so upset at my house. why am I so damn stupid. I was close to Taylors hotel when BAM I was now on the other side of the road. I went out.. Almost positive I'm gonna die.

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