Chapter 11

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After Harry's confession, they've been hanging out a lot and exchanging stories about their hobbies, interests and more likely about their lives. Even though Harry knows that Peter isn't really sure of what he feels yet, he's happy and contented that he's with Peter every day.

While for Peter, he's also happy that he's with Harry all day. And being with Harry, he can't help but to feel more attracted to him. Harry's getting beautiful every day that Peter's heart can't take it.

Harry is also trying his best to make Peter realize what he really feels. He also formed certain scenarios in his head. Scenarios like, if Peter realizes that he doesn't like Harry. If Peter will realize he doesn't like Harry, he needs to take it like a man and move on from it. For sure, he's going to accept it "No its not okay!" Harry said to himself as he was at the cafe, waiting for Peter.

If Peter realizes that he doesn't like Harry, he has to do something about it. He has to make him like him! "I don't know what I'll do if Peter won't like me back..." he said again as he sighed and looks at the door of the cafe.

Harry's body jumped when he saw the door opened but seeing its a girl who entered, he relaxes again. Wait, the girl who entered has brown hair and wearing glasses and Harry suddenly felt the familiarity. The girl's eyes met Harry's as she stared at him for a second before looking for a seat.

It's close to 9pm and Peter isn't showing up yet and Harry's getting more and more anxious. Why is Peter late? Harry knees shake again and he's becoming impatient. He stand from where he's sitting and was about to leave when he saw the door opened again and Peter came inside. Harry's heart thumps seeing Peter already smiling at him.



Harry's ears twinged hearing an echo when he called Peter's name and that's when he realized that the girl with brown hair and glasses also called Peter. Peter looks at Harry with an apologetic smile and wave a hand at him, indicating he knows the girl. Harry gave him a nod and went back on sitting.

"Hey Missy...didn't see you there" Peter said as he approached her and sat opposite to her. Harry watches Peter and the girl talked and when he saw Peter smile, Harry's insides suddenly boiled. What the fuck? Why is he smiling? What are they talking about that get Peter to smile like that?!

Harry moved his body forward as he wanted to hear what they're talking about nut whatever Harry does, he can't hear them...he only heard them when the girl giggled and Peter's smile got even more wide. Harry's blood suddenly boiled seeing his Peter smiling with the girl. Harry's hand suddenly turned into fist as he placed them on top of the table.

Harry then saw Peter wave a hand at the girl and stood and approached Harry. Peter took his seat across Harry and smiled "Hi" he said as Harry suddenly wasn't in the mood. Peter notices Harry's aura and he's not happy seeing it. He can feel the awkwardness in the air. Peter cleared his throat before speaking "Do you want to eat? I can order for us" Peter said as Harry shake his head "I lost my appetite" he answered as Peter stares at him. Why is he being so grumpy all of the sudden? He was all smiley when he went inside the cafe but now, he's frowning.

Peter was about to reach for his hand but Harry instantly stood and walk out. Out of the cafe.


Harry went out of the cafe. He couldn't take it. He wanted to leave as soon as he saw Peter being all smiley with that Girl.

As he was nearing his dorm, he stopped his tracks and realized that his whole being was clouded with Jealousy! Yes! Harry was jealous! The way that girl made Peter smile and what did Peter said that got the girl giggling? Does Peter like her?

Oh no, Harry's head started to spin. What if Peter was just doing some experimenting with Harry? Weighing which more he's attracted to? Girls or boys?

Harry looks at his dorm and sighed. What if Peter is indeed contemplating if he's going to like boys or girls?

Harry put his fingers on his temple massaging when suddenly, he felt arms wrapped around his middle. His eyes widened and his heart beat thumps feeling someone's warmth from his back "I'm sorry" Harry's ears twinges hearing Peter's voice "Peter?" Harry softly said as he felt Peter's head leaning on his shoulder "I'm sorry. Whatever I did back at the cafe, I'm so sorry" Peter mumbled as Harry can't help but smile. He's being cute again.

He put his hand on Peter's arm and removed them and turned around to meet Peter's eyes. Peter was looking at him with sad eyes and pouty lips. Harry can't help but in awe seeing him this cute "I was at fault actually" Harry said as Peter's expression shifted to a confuse one "I got...jealous" Harry said almost a whisper as Peter slowly smiled. Harry Osborn jealous? Who would've thought? Peter move his hands and reached for Harry's hands and held them "You were? You were jealous?" Peter asked as Harry sighed and nodded his head.

Peter then pulled him into a hug as Harry was shocked. Feeling Peter's warmth, his heart suddenly felt this happiness. This was their first close and intimate contact and its giving Harry giddy feels "Missy is a friend. You don't need to be jealous" Peter said as he gently pushed Harry to see his face. Peter then looked around, seeing if anybody was around and seeing that they are the only ones outside, Peter face Harry again "You don't have to be jealous because..." Peter paused and stared at Harry's blue eyes.

Harry also waited for Peter to finished what he's saying but instead of talking, Harry felt soft lips on his own. Peter Parker kissed him and his entire being was in ecstasy!

Harry closed his eyes and savored the moment as Peter deepened their kiss. Peter transferred his hand on the back of Harry's neck, steadying him. Harry slowly opened his mouth for Peter as Peter darted his tongue inside his warm mouth. Their tongues battled but Peter won and began to explore Harry's mouth.

They both parted as they needed air to breath. They leaned their foreheads together as Peter smiled "I like you Harry Osborn" Peter said as Harry's eyes sparkles.

"I like you so much" Peter added.

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