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As I walked into school with my headphones on I see Maya and Riley by some lockers.(outfit^^)

As I was about to walk over I thought about how they forgot about me again and decided against it maybe they were just busy instead I walked over to my locker and grabbed my history book and notebook.

As I was about to sit behind Maya I see Lucas in my seat I sigh sadly and walk to an empty desk in the back.

Now that I sit in the back I notice how mr.matthews doesn't really watch the kids in the back that were not us.
Since he doesn't pay attention I put my headphones back on but on a low volume so I can still hear everything the music just on a low hum.

After mr.matthews finished his rant about how our generation don't communicate any more he assignment us to do a report about it at the library and took away our phones.

As he assigned partners It was an odd number of students so I was by myself mostly because he paired everyone else and left me by myself.

After the bell rang we all left to our next class as I as getting my textbook I heard Maya and Riley talking with Lucas.

"Hey soaring eagle are you walking to the library with us"Maya asked.

"Yeah if that's okay with you two"he said.

"Well since your rileys partner let's see what she has to say about it and since you don't have your phone how are you going to communicate I wonder"maya said I look over and see Riley hold two thumbs up

"Oh look two thumbs up from Riley and a smiley face" I heard Maya say as I walked to class.

*After school*
As I was waiting for Maya and Riley to come out of the building they finally did.

"Hey guys are we walking home together"I ask hopefully.

"Oh sorry Sophia but we have to go to Riley's for our assignment"Maya said.

"Can't I go with you"I ask not wanting to walk home alone again.

"Sorry Sophia but we have to work"Maya said as she pulled Riley to walk ahead.

I frown and walk to vogue to met Kurt .

As I walked inside I'm amazed by all the clothes they have on racks.

"Hello can I help you"the lady at the front desk ask me.

"Hello yes please I'm looking for Kurt Hummel"I said.

"Okay please have a seat I will call him"she said smiling at me.

As I sat down and looked through the magazine I see Kurt with a woman walk towards me.

"Oh is this a bad time I'm sorry "I said standing up.

"Oh no your good this is my best friend and roommate Rachel she wants us all to go out for pizza"Kurt said.

"Hi nice to meet you im Sophia"I said to Rachel "and I don't have any money"I told kurt.

"Oh don't worry it's on us"Kurt said.

"Really thank you"I said smiling.

As we walked to a pizza place we passed by demolition as I looked through the windows I frown as I see Maya and Riley shopping.

"What's wrong"Rachel asks as she saw me stop.

"My sister told me she was going to Riley's to work on a project we have to turn in tomorrow and that's why I couldn't walk home with them but they are in here shopping"I explained.

"Oh they probably made a quick stop come on don't worry about them let's go enjoy some awesome pizza"Kurt said grabbing my elbow and dragging me away from the window.

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