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As I finish making pancakes for me and my sister I went to her room to see if she was up.

"Maya breakfast is ready"I said knocking on her door.

When I don't get a reply from her I open the door to see it empty.

I sigh and close the door I go back to the kitchen and put Maya's food in the fridge and ate mine once I finished I went to school.

As I walked in I see Maya and Riley sitting by some lockers as I walk over I stop as I hear their conversation.

"I wish the world was just you and me"Riley said.

"Then it is"Maya said as they sat there I frowned and walked into the classroom.

As I walked to my desk in the back I see Lucas and Missy Bradford sitting in the desk in front of mine I walk by and sat down putting my headphones on.

As mr.matthews was talking about sneak attacks my phone buzzed I look down and see I had a message from kurt.

Kurt😎:going to callbacks tonight me and Rachel will pick you up no but's

I sighed but texted back an okay as I looked up I see Riley with her finger in Lucas nose and farkle with his finger in Maya's nose.

"What the hell"I whisper to myself as the bell rang I grabbed my bag and walked out.

As I was getting my books from my locker I see Maya and farkle talking to Riley who was sitting inside a locker.

"Do you want me to bring you lunch"farkle asked her.

"No food will only keep me alive"Riley told him making me frown.

"Oh come on little plant come back in the sun"Maya said leaning on the locker.

As Riley is about to respond someone taps my shoulder I turn around and see Missy Bradford .

"Hi"I said confused on why she approached me.

"Why aren't you hanging out with your sister anymore"she asked making me feel uncomfortable with the way she was smirking at me.

"No reason"I said trying to walk away but she blocked my path.

"Really I heard it was because she got tired of you"Missy said.

"That's not true"I said frowning.

"Oh really well let me prove it"she said walking over to Maya farkle and Riley

After she told them about Lucas she asked Maya a question that made me feel uneasy.

"So Maya we're is your sister"Missy asked.

"I don't know and I don't care"Maya said.

"How can you not care she is your sister"Missy asked smirking as she glanced at me.

"She may be my sister but I'm tired of her following me around all the time I leave early in the morning just to get away from her"Maya said making me frown as my vision was clouded by unshed tears.

"Wow that's harsh"I heard Missy say.

"I don't really care she can go missing for all I care"Maya said making me run out of the school even though school was not over.

As I walked home I decided to go to vogue since last time I went I met Kurt's boss and she said I was welcomed anytime she even gave me a pass.

As I walked inside I took my pass out and showed the security guard and he let me through.

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