16. Failure

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~~~ SF9 - Now or never ~~~

One minute he was all awake and ready to never change his stubborn mind and the next, he was laying there, sleeping. He didn't just lose his consciousness no, he just fell asleep, within one second. She judged that from the frown on his face, dreaming about something.

He was doing fine with his recovery, during one night he never once woke up, or complained and when he did woke up, it looked like he is almost cured, looking her straight in the eye. He didn't lose that much of blood, thanks to her quick actions.

He did lose a little more, when he decided to take away all her thoughts and breath by the kiss. She didn't know what is happening until he moved his lips to make her lose her mind completely, made her respond to him.

She shook her head, to stop herself from thinking about that moment on the streets and in the puddle of blood. She never imagined experiencing her first kiss in this kind of circumstances, but she wasn't mad. He heart was beating fast even now, the same way it did, when he took it from her. She was happy, it was with him, even though she wanted to smack his head off, for saying all he did before he passed out.

She would believe everything he said, if she didn't get an insight of what kind of person he is, if she didn't get to know him better, but she didn't believe it now, that he said it.

She was glad that he distracted her from another blow she got from her miserable life. Loosing another important person, just when he came back from the long journey definitely wasn't on her bucket list of things she wanted to achieve. Myeon was now out with Yeol, Soo and Min, trying to find him.

Jon and Hyun were looking after the girl they brought in the other night, which has already turned and now she was locked in the basement. She was looking after Kai the whole time, even though Myeon wasn't very happy about her volunteering ambitions. He was the one, who found her making out with Kai on the ground, as well as the others after they lost track of Tao.

Myeon was not very ecstatic to see them like that, but she wasn't surprised. He was always way too overprotective, when it came to her especially, but she was used to it, so she didn't listen to his lecture, half of the reason why she didn't pay attention was the fact, she just got kissed and her mind was out of it the whole time.

She looked at Kai, who was still sleeping and frowning like he is going through something painful. She was happy she was able doze off, while he was still out of it, she was beyond exhausted.

Suddenly Kai's expression became even darker, the sweat covered his forehead, while he let out strained shaky sigh. Before, he stayed calm and motionless the whole time, whether now he was fidgeting in his lay down position, while his whole body was shaking. That all made her worry. She hovered over his body, touching his face, which was flushed, finding out he was burning up. All of a sudden his condition worsened from absolutely stable, to feverish one. She jumped up and quickly fetched little bit of cold water, ice in the bucket and cloth, rushing back to take care of him. She started to get used to this, always nursing this man.

She washed his face and then took of the bandage on his neck, cleaned up the wound, which already looked like is in healing mode. All the punctured skin, from the sharp teeth was closed, not giving away any signs of infection whatsoever. Kai couldn't get the fever thanks to this then.

She remembered, one thing that got stuck in her head, but she never really gave it a deeper thought. The first night she met Kai, he got injured and she noticed that his blood didn't smell the way it should. She could find normal metallic hint in it, but otherwise it was scent she never before came to smell and she couldn't really describe it properly. It wasn't really a reek, but if wasn't pleasant either. It almost reminded her of hospital odour.

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