12. Jongin

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~~~ EXO - They never know ~~~

She was gaping at him, with her mouth hanging opened.

He was still holding her in his arms, feeling the warmness coming out of his body. He looked like, he has no idea what to tell her, what answer to give on her question.

"How did he not see us, Kai?" she asked again quietly, trying hard to not sound like she is about to lose her mind. Because she didn't know what to think. How did he know, they are in the house? How did he know, they are coming in advance? Her brain was trying to process everything she knew so far about this man, but it wasn't working, nothing made sense.

"I am..." he let out soundlessly, while her eyes were glued on his lips that struggled to talk. "I don't know," he finally finished his sentence, his eyes stiffening and his hold on her loosening. He was about to tell her something different, than "I don't know".

"Kai? Why don't you just tell me? Is he blind? Or is this basement magical? Or...," the last option she had, was concerning Kai himself. She didn't know how or what was it, but she felt like it was him, who saved them, even though she couldn't imagine how. He hanged his arms down, but she kept standing right in front of him. He wanted to walk around and run away from her, but she placed her hand on his chest to catch him of guard and make him stop.

He glanced down at her again, with his lips parted, his eyes lading on the hand on his chest. She forgot for a second, why she did that, because she could feel his heartbeat under her touch. It was pumping very fast. The electricity ran through her fingers, possessing her whole body, she stepped away in shock, balling the hand, which was on his defined chest just a second ago, into a fist. He used this moment to retreat and quickly walked out of the bathroom.

Why did this made her feel weird? Actually the whole few hours they spent in this basement, were intense. Or was it her, overreacting? There was definitely something about Kai...

She remembered there were two demons just few minutes ago, she shouldn't be thinking about useless stuff. They found them, that only meant, what Kai did before was useless and she didn't understand. There was too much she didn't quite comprehend, when it came to this man.

What would happen if they discovered them? She was ready to fight, even though she hasn't done it against demon yet. She felt pathetic, that two time she was taken back and two times saved by Kai. The urge to show she is capable of defending herself against the demons was growing​ fast.

She remembered the first time she faced Sehun and Kai came to the rescue. She clearly remembered the whole fight between those two and how unbelievable in seemed in her eyes. The speed of his movements, avoiding Sehun's attacks with perfect timing. He didn't even get injured, being on the same level with his opponent. That time she thought it might have been her mind being under the spell of Sehun's attack, toying with her. But after collecting more and more information about this man, she became almost positive he is not ordinary human being.

She followed him back into the room.

"I will take you back to your friends, they must be worried about you. They will protect you. Here," he was putting his own hoodie, taking out her swords from under his belt and giving it to her. She took them from him, confused.

"Why do you suddenly giving them back to me?" she couldn't resist and ask about his reasons.

"You need something to defend yourself. I don't need them, I took them from you to have a leverage, but as you don't have what is mine anymore, there is no reason for me to keep them. I will get my dagger back," he told her, not looking at her, while fixing his clothes properly. She stared at him in disbelief.

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