#1 Nico's POV: The First Day and Sh*t Like That...

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Possible editing to be done soon.


Nico's POV

"Wake up Neeks, you're gonna be late for school!", yelled my sister Hazel from the hallway.
Slowly, I arose from my pile of blankets and muttered nastily under my breath.
Ugh, my first day at a new school.
This was gonna be sh*t.
I wasn't ready for this.
Summer it seemed, had gone WAY too quickly!
Oh well, better get up anyway.
I told myself, reluctantly.
So, I dressed into my usual attire: black shinny jeans, black skull t-shirt, and black sneakers.
Let's just say, that I'm a VERY dark kinda person.
But, certainly NOT emo.
I sigh, as I stare at myself in my full-length mirror.
My shirt hangs off my thin frame of a body, my eyes have big dark circles under them.
I'm a mess.
It's funny though, I seem to be the only one in my family who appears to be this way.
Both my sisters, (Hazel and Bianca) are much more out-going and nicer than me.
Me, well I'm a lot like my dad.
Dull, dark, and depressing.
With another sigh, I turn away from the mirror, grab my black backpack, and slam my door shut behind me.

When I finally make it down the large spiralling staircase, I see Hazel waiting for me at the door, tapping her foot impatiently.
"Well, finally!", she says exasperated.
"I was just about to leave without you! What took you so long?"
Shrugging my shoulders, I open the big dark wooden door, and walk quickly out towards the bus.
The doors open and I am greeted by the bus driver.
An older lady who has grey hair and loves to wear cat sweaters.
"Mornin', Nico", she says, smiling at me.
I don't reply back, but instead, head to the back to find a seat.
Everywhere, there are people talking and laughing.
I see a guy with blonde hair hug a girl with brown hair and start to tickle her.
The girl shrieks and tries to stop the boy, but only ends up tumbling out of her seat and into the aisle.
"MCLEAN, BACK TO YOUR SEAT NOW!", the bus driver barks out, angrily.
Her loud voice shocks me so much, that I almost fall over also.
The blonde haired boy looks completely unfazed by this, just sits back and smiles sweetly at the bus driver, as if nothing had happened.
Still standing in the aisle, I quickly dash into a seat as she starts up again.
It's only when I'm sitting down, do I realize the seat was already occupied.
A boy with dark black hair (same colour as mine) and bright green eyes, slouches in his seat as he stares off into space, lost in thought.
That's when I realized he was actually listening to music.
He holds an iPod in his hand and has earphones in.
I don't know what to do, so I do what seems natural.
"Uh hey, I'm Nico. Who are you?"
It's a bold move, especially for me.
The boy doesn't look at me, just continues being transfixed by nothingness.
I try again, a little louder.
"Uh hi, my name's Nico. What's yours?"
This time, he looked up and stared at me for several seconds.
Then, he jumps up, startled.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, I thought I was gonna be alone today. Hey Nico, my name's Percy. Percy Jackson."
I gave him a confused expression.
"What did you mean by you thought you'd be alone, today?"
The boy (Percy) shrugs.
"Well, my girlfriend Annabeth Chase is sick today. So, I figured I'd be all alone on the bus for my first day back...", his voice trailed off.
I try to push the fact that he has a girlfriend aside and instead, ask him something else.
"What're you listening to?"
He looks worried for a second, than hides his iPod in his pocket.
"Oh uh, nothing. Just music."
I sigh.
Wow, this guy is strange.
And, just a little bit clueless.
"But, like what kind?"
He shook his head vigorously, clearly not willing to tell me.
"I can't tell you.", he says, voice shaky.
I let out a frustrated sigh.
I want to bang my head back against the bus seat, repeatedly.
"Okay, whatever", I huff, turning around towards the aisle again.
Percy sighed and turned towards me.
"What the hell, I guess I might as well tell you."
I feel my heart start to beat faster, my pulse quicken.
What if he's like me?
Maybe, he listens to the same type of music I do?
Maybe, we have that one thing in common?
"It's Disney"
I feel as if I've missed something vitally important.
Percy is in high school, right?
Why would he listen to...?
"Disney?", I say, repeating the words in shock.
He nods.
"Yeah um, I like The Little Mermaid soundtrack best. Even though they're all good!"
I stare at him, speechless.
Okay so, maybe he's kidding?
Yeah that's it, he's kidding.
I laugh.
"You're kidding"
He shakes his head.
"Nope, I'm not"
To my utter dismay, there's one of the songs playing on the screen.
"It's 'Part of Your World'", he tells me, smiling.
I cringe.
I've never been a fan of Disney movies, much less the songs.
Hazel and Bianca used to LOVE them.
They'd even dress up as princesses and sing their hearts out to whatever song was playing on television.
Even now, I can still picture it.
Hazel wearing her 'Ariel' costume and pretending the floor was her undersea home.
Bianca wearing her 'Belle' costume and dragging me into the living room, just so that I'd be the beast.
These sessions of torture would sometimes last for hours.
Especially, if mom was away working at her florists shop.
Snapping back to reality, I see Percy staring at me.
"You alright, Nico? You kinda blanked out."
I nod my head and mutter something about hating Disney under my breath.
Luckily, Percy doesn't hear it.
I'm staring at the others around us, again.
A boy with curly brown hair is now conversing with the blonde boy and the dark-haired girl.
They're laughing about something, but I can't hear what exactly.
I turn back to Percy.
"So, this girlfriend of yours? Is she nice? Annabeth, I mean?", my words are tumbling out so fast, I can't keep track of them.
He nods, sighing dreamily.
"Yep, she's nice."
I cough, suddenly.
"How long have you guys been dating?"
Percy considers this a moment and finally replies with: "Since summer...Why?"
I shrug.
"Uh well, I was just wondering."
Percy smiles, cheekily.
"So how about you, do you have a girlfriend?"
His question catches me off guard.
Why don't I have a girlfriend?
I guess being the way I am, I've just never considered that being remotely possible.
I'm just a little bit anti-social.
Okay, a lot.
I shake my head.
He looks shocked and stares at me, disbelievingly.
"I dunno"
"You dunno?"
"I just don't, okay?"
He than starts to grab bits of my dark hair, feeling it.
"You sure? What girl wouldn't want to date you? I mean, you have all this gorgeously soft hair!"
I snort.
"Yeah yeah, it's wonderful."
"It really is"
Now, he's smelling my hair.
"Could you please stop that?"
He stills, hands still in my hair.
"Stop what?"
"Touching and smelling my hair!"
He looks a little sad, but doesn't let go.
"You don't like it?"
I shake my head.
"No, and besides I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't like it either."
He laughs.
"I always play and smell Annabeth's hair. She doesn't care."
I sigh.
No Percy, I say quietly to myself.
That's not what I meant.
Not what I meant at all...

By the time we reach the school, Percy has gone back to listening to Disney and I'm staring absently at the crazy kids behind us.
As the doors open, I hear Percy rummage around in his bag for something.
I get up and slowly begin to walk down the aisle as the bus clears.
Looking back at him, I see that Percy's still fiddling with his bag.
Oh well, I think.
I've gotta get going.
Don't wanna be late on the first day.
I'm about to step off the bus, when I hear footsteps pounding towards me.
I look up and see Percy running, a paper in one hand, and his bag hanging haphazardly from his shoulder.
"Nico. Wait.", he gasps.
I turn around at the last second and feel him slip the paper into my hand.
"It's for you.", he says, smiling and still panting.
"Open it when you get to first class"
A pause.
He stares up at me, looking deep into my dark brown eyes.
"I hope we can be friends."
Than, he dashes off the bus ahead of me, leaving me stunned and unable to move for several long moments.
Slipping the paper into my jean's pocket, I begin to walk off the bus.
I smile, as I think about how my day is going thus far.
"I'd like that a lot, Percy Jackson. I'd really like that."
I'm so deep in thought that, I don't hear the bus driver yelling at me before it's too late....

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