#5 Nico's POV The First Day and Sh*t Like That (part 5)

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I go into class with Jason, just as the warning bell rings.

We're breathing rapidly, from running down the hall.

He looks at me and grins.

"Looks like we made it just in time."

I smile back and nod.

"Yep, I guess we did."

After my breathing returns to normal, I stare around the room.

"Jase, where's the teacher?"

Jason shrugs his shoulders, unsure.

I sigh and give up on trying to spot the English teacher.

I'll meet them soon enough.

Finally, an older lady wearing a dark green corduroy dress with a long-sleeved white turtleneck, walks in.

She isn't smiling and on her feet she wears black mary-janes that look too tight for her chubby-looking feet.

I watch as she takes a seat at the long cherry wood table, at the front of the room.

Her hands grasp a clipboard in them and her other a pen, as she mumbles something inaudible to herself.

Suddenly, I glance back over at Jason, only to see that he's now completely frozen in his seat.

His eyes are blank, staring at the lady with a look of utter terror.

She pretends to not notice his terrified look, and instead stares sharply at the rest of us.

"Hello class, I am Mrs. Hefflebom. I will be your English teacher for this term."

Jason is still staring fixated at her, unblinking.

"Please take out a piece of paper and copy what I write down."

Someone in the back raises their hand.

"Um, aren't we supposed to have textbooks or something?"

Mrs. Hefflebom smiles coldly and than shakes her head.

"No Ms. La Rue, we will not have textbooks this term. Everything will be written out."

The girl looks upset by this, but doesn't say anything more.

"Now then, let's begin. Your assignment tonight is to read the first chapter of Lord of the Flies and answer questions 1-10, that you will write down in your note books.", without looking to see if anyone's listening, she goes over to the board and begins writing down the questions.

"Question number one. Who is elected chief and why?"

Someone else's hand goes up.

Her chalk stops mid sentence.


The boy swallows nervously and clears his throat.

"Um Ms. Hefflebom, uh you told us that it was one question. But, you wrote two."

She stares at the boy, than smiles, knowingly.

"Yes, I did."

The boy looks frustrated.

"But, why? Why, is a whole other question. It should just say: Who is elected chief?"

Mrs. Hefflebom's smile fades and her face starts to turn a deep angry red colour.

She spits her next words out with venom.

"Well, that's the way I'm going to teach and you write ALL write it as ONE question. Is that CLEAR?!"

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