120 11 5

Same day

I laugh watching Cordae get out the car giving me a smug look. He sucks his teeth walking past me as i lean down to catch my breath.

When i was good i caught to him hugging his waist.

"Cordae wait uppp." I giggle and he moves my arms off him.

He holds the school door open for me like a gentleman and i walk inside smiling. He could be pissed at me and he'll still do nice things for me.

He walks behind me with his hands in his pockets looking oddly cute as hell. We go and sign in and then head to my locker.

"We'll be back to sign out." I tell the lady and she nods writing my pass and i smile taking it.

"Thank you come on Cordae." I say grinning at him grabbing his arm pulling him and he turns to fast stumbling and our lips touch.

My eyes widen and so does his as we pull apart.

His cheek turns red as do mine and the secretary starts to awee. "Its so cute to see young love birds." She says and we chuckle rubbing our necks awkwardly.

"We're not i mean i do love her but uh this my best friend." He tries to explain and I just clear my throat tugging his shirt signaling i was leaving.

He catches it and holds the door open for me and i walk out touching at my lips. It was awkward as hell as we walked down the hall together.

I finally broke out into a chuckle.

"What so funny?" He ask looking at me slightly.

"Its just.... your face is smugly as hell." I clown laughing again and he smacks his terth smirking.

"Shut up lil uglass gurl." He says back and we continue throwing harmless insults as we get my work and Kam and Bren stuff.

My phone starts to buzz and i pick it up seeing marcus was calling which was weird.

"Wassup?" I answer still frowning.

"That how you answer ya man babygirl?"

I smirk a bit.

"Booiii you Nobody special now what you want I'm at school." I smile rolling my eyes a lil.

"Ahahaa come thru I'm free."

I bite my lip softly looking over at Cordae who's waiting on me to start walking and I sigh a bit.

"I'll try I'm hanging with Bren and Kam today at the spot."

"Say no more I'm there." He says hanging up like an idiot and i smack my teeth.

"Who was that?" Dae ask tugging a string out my shirt and I swat his hand away.

"My boyfriend but can you hurry and get me to Kam house please?" He motions for me to come on and we leave out the school.

We get in the car and I plug my phone to the aux cord and scrolled through my playlist looking for sum to play.

I couldn't decide so I pressed shuffle and let a song play. My hand drops on the armrest, but i didnt realize Cordae hand was there.

I was going to move it off, but he ended up lacing our fingers holding it. He always did this, but today felt different.

Maybe im thinking too much into it so i hold his hand back feeling a tingle in my stomach.

He starts to rub his thumb on the back on my hand and I felt squeamish. Why is my palm starting to sweat and why did i feel nervous.

"Ashton why you shakin yo leg like that."

"Huh?" I ask confused seeing my leg bouncing on its own. I put my other hand on it stopping the jitters only for my fingers to start tapping.

"Uh I guess I'm jittery today." I nervously chuckle feeling my throat getting dry.

The car stops and i see we at Kams so i turn my head to thank him only for our lips to crash together again.

I instantly pull back blinking a lot and he stared at me wide eyed. I felt like a deer caught in headlights when my neck started to feel weight down. Suddenly our lips brush against each other as if he's hesitant or asking for consent and i peck his lips softly.

He then grabs my chin kissing me. I kiss back instantly grabbing his face pulling him more into it cause he was holding back.

This was so damn wrong.

But it felt so right.

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