The Rebirth Of George Cromwell

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                                   3 Months Later

He gasps for breath as he breaks through the loose dirt, he then looks around, wondering what was going on, he looks over to his left, his eyes then widen in surprise as he takes in the view of his friend, Ophelia Black. He looks at her, the look of shock on his face staying there "Wh-what?" Was the only word he could manage to say as he continued to try and take in breaths, once he calmed down, Ophelia hugged him tightly, starting to cry in relief.

"Ophelia, what is going on?" She pulls away hesitantly, wiping her tears "I, brought you back George, from the dead." He looks at her, his words stuck in his throat, unable to speak, so confused by what was going on. She hugged him tightly again, then starts to cry more, tears staining his dirt covered shirt. He starts rubbing her back gently to comfort her, and to reassure her that he's there. "What, do you mean Ophelia, you brought me back, how?" She stiffens against him, then sighs softly, knowing she has to answer the question "I'm, a necromancer, I can bring back people from the dead." His eyes widen in surprise "What? How? I, I don't understand, how can you do that?" She bites her lip, then pulls away "I, I used a spell, that took a long time to put together, George, it's been three months since you, died."

"Wh-what? Three months, my mum, what about my mum?" She winces "The doctor, he made a move on your mum, to, comfort her, he calls it, but he's evil, a very evil man, he used powers to control and coerce her." He starts to look angry, then, he says in a low voice "Let's go save her." Ophelia shakes her head "No George, he's too strong, and, you can't reveal yourself, you're supposed to be, you know, dead, remember?" He nods, then sighs "So, what do we do?" She grins slightly "We make you stronger, so you can use your powers." His eyes widen in surprise again "Powers, what do you mean?" She bites her lip "You, can commune and control ghosts, it's a, side effect of being raised from the dead." His jaw drops "Whoa, ok, well, I guess we should get started." She nods slowly "Right, let's get started."

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