I'm in the middle of a large shipyard while trying to evade the exploding void he's shooting around the place, I find an open shipping crate and so I go into it to catch my breath and realize that the Fallen are surrounding the crate. I think about how to to get out of this crate so I take a quick moment to plan my way of attack and then I jump out the back of the crate and kill one of the Dregs and.
Just like that, dead again my ghost picks me up and he moves me back to the entrance of the ship yard where I jump up and kill one of the Vandals and when he dies I pick up his sniper and start shooting Sepiks it runs out of ammo and I have no idea how to work the reload system on the Fallen weapon so I get behind cover and run straight at the next sniper only taking few bullets a smash the sniper over the Vandals head and start shooting sepiks with the new sniper. until, there were no more vandals. I reach for the sky and pull of a flaming pistol and within two shots it had burst into flames.