Chapter 10

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They rode through the tall, waving reeds of golden grass as the bright sun rose and then traveled higher in the clear, blue sky and the brisk, autumn morning drew on towards midday when they finally stopped to eat and rest the horses. But, the rest was brief as they still had along way to go, knowing that they'd have to stop to light th ecarriage lamps, rest the horses and eat dinner again before they would reach the town of Deep Run far to southwest of them.

Finally arriving in Deep Run late in the evening, Brandon and Celine left Haverty to help the grooms tend to the tired horses at the courier stables while they went inside to talk to Henry Draper in the office to get the latest news. "Am I glad to see you!" Henry said jumping up from his seat as soon as they came through the door.

"What's the matter, Henry?" Brandon asked as he and Celine stood in front of his desk.

"I've heard that you have a way to close those strange doorways letting in strange creatures. Is that right?" Henry asked with a hopeful look on his face.

"I do," Brandon answered. "We've been working to close all the ones we hear about."

"Good! Good! Because one has opened in the canyon and it's let in some strange men!" Henry explained.

"Are they tall and slender with black hair and purple eyes?" Brandon asked him as he and Celine looked at each other thinking it was the elves again.

"No, no. These are short, stout and powerfully built men and women who seem like some type of miners. They've started excavating in the Falling Rock Mountains," Henry told them.

"When did the doorway open?" Brandon asked curiously.

"The day before yesterday and since then, they've been seen going in and out of the doorway night and day bringing in tools and equipment," Henry explained. "We can't speak to them because we can't understand their language. So, we don't know what they're planning to do. But, it looks like they want to stay here!" he said excitedly.

"How far into the canyon is the doorway? Can we get there tonight?" Brandon asked looking very concerned.

"It's about a quarter of a day's travel into the canyon and it's right on the King's Road," Henry answered.

"That's too far for us go tonight since we've already been traveling all day. So, we'll leave to take care of the problem in the morning. Is there anything else going on? Have you heard of any other doorways in the Midlands that have opened and need to be closed?" Brandon asked.

"No, our doorway is the last one that I heard had opened," Henry answered. "And there's been no other news."

"Alright," Brandon replied. "We'll be going on to Land's End after we close that doorway. So, please get us provisions to last for at least two days and we'll just take the coach."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements and have everything ready in the morning. What time will you be leaving?" Henry asked.

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