Chapter 15

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It was a beautiful morning with very few clouds and the breeze coming from the northeast continued to blow from the storm the prior day, making travel by ship to the southeast very favorable and this caused a smile to appear on Brandon's face since that was in the exact direction that they would be traveling.

"Things are definitely going in our favor for a change! We should be in South Shore by noon tomorrow if the wind keeps up and then we'll have Darygin taken care of before dinner time," he thought as he walked along with Celine and Haverty to meet Shajerazhan at the docks to board the Calypso Queen.

When they reached the docks, they saw that Shajerazhan had already arrived as she was hard to miss in her ruby red, hooded cloak as she stood quietly waiting for them before the Calypso Queen and as they approached, she turned towards them and watched as they made their way towards her.

"Good morning!" Brandon called as they neared her and she nodded her head, resting her eyes on Haverty whom she had yet to meet and Brandon made their introductions as soon as they reached her. Then she looked at Brandon and gave him a small smile.

"I hope you like the favorable winds. When we are on board and out to sea, I shall speed them up yet further so that we will arrive in South Shore by morning. Darygin must be forced to face the consequences of his actions as soon as possible. There has been another change in the resonances of the Midlands. The resonances on the Meadowland Peninsula have slowed by a cadence and there are also new tones. However, it is not a discordancy such as in the Plains. The resonances are still harmonic," she explained. "It's good that we shall be traveling the East Meadow Track so that we can discover the source of the change."

"Are you saying that a doorway has opened on the Meadowland Peninsula?" Brandon asked surprised.

"The portal opened during the night when the criminals resumed their battle and you should be made aware of the fact that a change in tone is always caused by a magical influx. New magic now exists on the Peninsula," Shajerazhan explained as Brandon and Celine looked at each other.

"Can I neutralize this new magic?" Celine asked concerned. "Or is it like the magic of the Consortium Elves?"

"You can only neutralize human magic. The magic on the Peninsula is not human and it is unlike that of the Consortium Elves on the Plains. It is more harmonious to the resonances of the Midlands. So, containment is not necessary," Shajerazhan answered.

"So, I can't," Celine said a little disappointed. "And we now have yet another new magic."

"That is correct. However, the magic on the Peninsula may be beneficial to us in helping to contain the discordancy in the Plains. We should seek help from those new inhabitants imbued with it," Shajerazhan told them.

"Are the new inhabitants people? Or are they some type of new creature like those we saw in the Royal Pine Forest and Glimmer Glass Lake?" Brandon asked.

"Only intelligent creatures that are people have the ability to use magic. The creatures you saw do not have magic and have not changed the resonances in those areas. They have only added harmonius resonance to the Midlands," Shajerazhan answered.

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