Moving on

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(Based of the episode moving on with an alternate ending.) (Deceit warning)

Everyone thinks that Logan has no emotions. The day to be proven true or untrue is today.
"All this because Patton can't let go of one guy!?" Logan says without thinking. Feeling something rage through him not knowing what it is. Feeling anger towards the person that Patton was sad over. Feeling a boiling sensation in his chest.
"Logan can you just stop!.... Please." Patton says sadness lacing his voice. Logan was surprised at the raised tone. Logan began to feel bad for upsetting Patton. Logan lowered his head, his eyes then began to water. He raised his head enough to make eye contact with Patton.
"Fine, I'll leave." A tear fell from his eyes and gilded down his cheek. Patton was shocked at what he saw. Right as he opened his mouth to yell for him to wait. Logan left and went to his room. Patton looked to the others none seemed to notice.
"Did you guys see that?" Patton said shock, confusion, and sadness all consuming his voice.
"See what Pat," Thomas asked confused. Then feeling nothing, no feelings, no love, no longing, no nothing towards Bill. Patton didn't even love him. He only held on for Thomas. But in the process hurting the one he truly loved.
"I'm fine now...?" Thomas said surprised and confused.
"I'm over... him..." Thomas said questioningly. Everyone looked at each other.
"Patton?" Virgil and Roman said in unison.
"I'm fine... Logan was right, I don't love Bill." Patton said looking to where Logan used to stand.
"Okay..." Thomas said. As he did Patton left appearing before Logan's Door hearing Logan speaking aloud.
"How could I have said that to Patton! PATTON! Of All People! Ugh! I made him upset. He probably hates me even more." Tears rolled down the sides of both there faces. 'Hate' Patton thought to himself. 'I could never hate you Logan.'
"I guess Patton's love for me is infinitesimal." Logan began to cry harder, as well as Patton.
"How could I be so stupid, he loves Bill, and why was I so angry. I hurt him." Logan's voice became shaky and cracked as he spoke.
"Patton I'm so sorry," Logan spoke in a low and mournful voice. Patton was about to walk in when he heard a voice.
"Are you really sorry?" Deceit appeared in front of Logan with a wide smirk.
"OF COURSE!" Logan yelled at Deceit.
"LEAVE NOW!" Logan threateningly hissed as he stepped forward towards Deceit.
"Fine, but before I go... He doesn't love you, he never will, he can't love and care for such a pathetic side." Deceit then disappeared. Logan stood there.
"I know." At that moment Patton quietly rushed in and hugs Logan from behind.
"W-what?" Logan said confused looking behinds him.
"P-Patton!?" He realized who it was as he wiped his face and trying to calm himself. He stepped away from Patton trying to act calm.
"What are you doing here I thought you were making a video with Thomas, Virgil, and Roman?" Logan said looking to the ground.
"I was but I realized that I was only holding on for Thomas's sake, and not because I love him," Patton said as Logan looked up to him.
"Oh my goodness! You've been crying!? Why? Are you okay?!" Logan rushes to Patton concern lacing his voice.
"Yes I have been crying, but so have you." Patton reached up to Logan's face wiping a tear away.
"And No I'm not okay," Patton says making eye contact with Logan. Logan surprised by Patton's touch. Once Patton looked him in the eyes he realized how serious and sad Patton really was. Once he does another tear rolled down his face.
"Why?" Logan began crying without realizing it. But Patton, however, did realize.
"Because of what you were saying to yourself," Patton said the truth, Logan's eyes widened surprised by what Patton had just said.
"You heard me," Logan questioned.
"Yes..." Patton said sadness coursing through him.
"How much?" Tears still falling down his now red dusted cheeks.
"Most of it," Patton said looking towards the ground remembering what Logan and Deceit had said. He then looked to Logan.
"You're wrong," Patton says in a low voice.
"What?" Logan asked knowing what he said, just confused by it.
"I said Your Both Wrong! I Don't Hate You And Your Wrong about me loving you Infinitesimal! You aren't Stupid, I Don't Love Bill, You could never hurt me! And Deceit! Everything That Comes Out of His Mouth Are lies! About EVERYTHING! I LOVE YOU, And you aren't pathetic, your strong, smart, sweet, and I Love YOU for that!" At this point, Patton was crying again and yelling.
As Patton was saying these things, he kept getting closer and louder. When he was finished he was only a few feet away. And crying again.
"Patton..." Before Logan could finish Patton pulled him by the collar and crashed their lips together. Logan was surprised by Patton's sudden action, but Logan quickly kissed back. Logan thought 'God I love him! How is he's so adorable!' After a while, they pulled apart for air.
"I... Love... You Logan." Patton says between breaths.
"I love... You too Patton." Logan said kissing Patton's forehead getting a giggle from Patton.
"There's my Patton," Logan says with a playful tone, as a smile appears on his face. Then Logan wipes the tears from Patton's cheeks. Patton then leans into the action.
"Logan, could I stay with you tonight?" Patton asked red dusting his cheeks, and looked at the ground. Logan placed his hand under Patton's chin. Lifting Patton's face to look at him, then plants a kiss to Patton's lips. Patton gasps then kissed back.
"Yes, you may stay here, only if we can cuddle." Knowing that Patton would say yes.
"OF COURSE!" Patton said joy filling his eyes. Then giving Logan a hug. Logan then returned the gesture to Patton.
After they reluctantly pulled apart Logan lead Patton to his bed. They both got under the covers and turned on Mulan one of Patton's favorites. They began to cuddle right as the movie began.
"Logan?" Patton said looking towards Logan.
"Yes, Patton?" Logan then made eye contact with Patton.
"I love you, Logan."
"I love you too Patton!" kissing Patton's forehead receiving a giggle. Logan then pulling Patton closer and holding him tighter. They fell asleep in each other's arms, hold each other close.

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