Hot topic

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(Tigger warning) (Deceit warning)

"What are you laughing at Hot Topic?" Roman said trying to act annoyed. But internally screaming at how cute Virgil's laugh actually was.
"Aww, you think I'm hot." Virgil said blushing but his foundation hide it. 'Why did I say that he doesn't like me." Virgil said himself. 'He is a prince.' Virgil thought these things he didn't realize that his normal expression became grimm and sad.
"Hey kiddo, you okay?" Patton said concerned. Snapping Virgil out of his thoughts.
"Yeah Patton, I'm fine," Virgil said lying causing Deceit to appear behind him where only Roman and Virgil could see or hear him. (Convenient)
"You shouldn't lie to your friends Virgil." Virgil then turned his head glaring at him. As Roman heard a familiar and unwanted voice coming from where Virgil was standing. He turned his attention to the voice not wanting HIM to be there but as he turned and heard the voice speaking to Virgil. Hearing him speak to Virgil made him furious.
From that moment Virgil didn't speak for the rest of the video. The video ended. Everyone sank down to the mindscape. Logan and Patton went to Logans room to cuddle. Virgil was waiting for Roman to leave so he could speak to Deceit. But when Roman started heading towards him, he became confused. He then hugged Virgil. Virgil tensed at the sudden action but relaxing enjoying the hug. hugging back.
Roman then looked up and shoot dagger eyes at Deceit. Deceit flinching not expecting the fanciful side to ever do that. Roman then whispered to Virgil so that only he could hear.
"Do you trust me?" Roman asked Virgil.
"Of course." Virgil tell him the truth.
"I mean..." Virgil got flustered which Roman found extremely adorable.
"Good, when I tell you to move, step to the left okay?" Roman asked Virgil.
"O-okay." Virgil stuttered confused at the request. Gripping harder to Roman. Roman reassured him with a smile as he stepped away.
"Move!" Roman yells surprising Virgil, but he did as he was asked, and stepped to the left. As Roman conjured a sword. He then lunged at Deceit before he could disappear. He pinned him to the wall and placed the sword to his throat.
"W-what... What the hell Roman!" Deceit yelled confusion, fear, and shock lacing his voice. Virgil stood there a smirk appearing on his face. Romans eyes red filled with rage. Looking right at Deceit.
"Roman let me go!" Deceits eyes glowed yellow.
"Not until you promise to never and I mean NEVER! Speak or look at Virgil ever again! Or so help me god I will cut your head from your shoulders, as I did with the Dragon witch!" Roman threateningly hissed, rage racing through his body.
"Fine! Just put me down!" Roman didn't notice he raised Deceit in the air by his collar. Roman placed him on the ground. Right as he let him go he then disappeared. Roman sighed.

Once Roman lunged at Deceit, Virgil could feel Roman's anger. Roman then grabbed Deceit. Virgil smirked knowing that Deceit deserved this. But what Roman said surprised Virgil. 'He's threatening Deceit because of me. Why? Why, would he put himself in danger for me?' Virgil began crying silently. 'Why?'
Roman then looked back to Virgil, seeing him crying silently. 'Why?' Hearing Murmuring. Roman then rushes to Virgil.
"Why?" Virgil asked Roman.
"Why, what Virgil?" Roman said as he ran over and placing his hands on Virgil's shoulders. Roman was surprised to see Virgil crying.
"W-why w-would you d-do that for s-someone like me, y-you put y-yourself in danger! D-do you know what h-he can do! Because I do! And I don't want him hurting the only person I've ever loved!" Virgil was crying even more now and shaking violently. Once Roman heard what Virgil had said he was shocked.
"Virgil," Roman said in a calm and loving tone. Reaching up and wiping the tears from Virgil's face.
"Virgil, look at me! I did that because I love you Virgil, and no I don't know what he can do. What has he done to you?" Roman said with certainty yet a concern for Virgil.
"D-did you just say that you love ME?!" Virgil said surprise lacing his voice.
"Yes, I did, I adore you, and care for you! Now tell me what Deceit did to you!?" Roman concern grew as Virgil looked away after the question.
Roman then grabbed Virgil chin gently forcing him to look at him. Virgil's eyes widened as he felt Romans touch. Once Roman pulled Virgil's to him, he made eye-contact.
"What. Did. Deceit! Do To You!?" Romans voice gradually raised in tone. Virgil sighed and looked to Roman.
"He thought I was weak so he exploited my fears, and once I was scared enough not to fight back he would..... Hurt. Me." Virgil said tears rolling down His face again. As Virgil was speaking Romans anger grew with every word. The last two words made him furious. He grabbed Virgil bridal style getting a hiss of pain from Virgil. He then headed towards his room. Once he got there he placed Virgil Gently on the bed.
Virgil looked around the bright room, Disney posters line the walls that were bright red. He was taken back by Roman saying.
"Where?" In a deep voice.
"What?" Virgil was confused by the question.
"Where are you hurt?" Roman asked stepping closer to Virgil.
"Where am I not.." Virgil said in a whisper.
"What! Oh, he is going to pay in the most painful way possible!" Roman began to walk out of his room when he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his chest.
"Don't! Don't stoop to his level. Don't change because of him please! I can't lose you, Roman!" Virgil pleaded with Roman, as he tightened his grip on Roman, slightly.
Roman turned around looking at Virgil's beautiful eyes. Then leaning down and kissed Virgil. Roman was surprised by Virgil kissing back. Roman pulled away and said.
"Virgil your not going to lose me, because I love you." Roman got out before Virgil pulled Roman by the sash and kissed him. Which Roman gladly kissed back. When they finally pulled apart.
"Will you show me where you are hurt?" Roman asked as Virgil nodded.
"Yes, but please don't freak out."
Virgil took his patched purple jacket off. And right as he did Roman was angry and ready to kill but Virgil needed him. There were deep cuts, bruises, and scars.
"Virgil, why didn't you tell me, or someone?" Roman said with a sad tone.
"Because Deceit said if I told anyone he would hurt them. And I didn't want anyone going through something like this because of me." Tears spilled from Virgil's eyes.
"I can't see anyone hurt especially not you Roman." Roman took Virgil in his arms then set Virgil back in the bed. They hugged there for a while. Until they reluctantly pulled apart, and Roman went to his desk and grabbed the first aid kit. He began patching Virgil up. Once he finished.
"Thank you, Princey."
"My pleasure, dear." Virgil blushed at the nickname. Roman saw his lover next to him blush.
"You're so adorable!" Roman said.
"W-what!" Virgil's blush was a deep crimson. Roman kissed Virgil cheek, causing Virgil to blush even more. Roman put the first aid away then grabbed his pajamas.
"Do you want to grab some of your pajamas or...."
"Can I wear one of your?" Roman was surprised by the Virgil's questioned.
"Of Course! " Roman got a white shirt with a red printed sash. Virgil thanked him then pulled off his black shirt. Showing the smaller yet still muscular body which Roman wasn't prepared for, Romans blush put the red of his sash to shame. Virgil noticed.
"You like what you see?" Virgil smirked making Roman blush even more. The smirk that made Roman fall for his Hot Topic. Without any hesitation Roman said.
"Yes." Making Virgil blush as well, Virgil finished putting on the shirt. There was silence. Virgil looked around the room. Roman was the first to speak.
"Want to watch a movie?" Roman questioned so he could break the silence.
"Sure, what movie," Virgil asked. Really happy to watch a movie with Roman. Not caring what it was.
"You pick," Roman said. Not really caring as long as he got to spend time with Virgil.
"How about the nightmare before Christmas?!" Virgil smiled. Virgil loved all Tim Burton movies.
"Perfect!" Roman said.
"Like you," Virgil said quietly, as to not let the prince hear, but he did. Roman then placed the movie in. Roman walks back over to Virgil.
"What was that Virgil? Me perfect, I think your talking about yourself." Roman said as he took Virgil's hand and lead him to the bed. They both settled in and began to watch the movie.
"Roman?" Virgil spoke.
"Yes, kitten?" Roman looked to Virgil.
"Can we cuddle?" Virgil asked clearly nervous.
"Of course, love." Virgil then cuddled up to Roman.
"I love you, Roman."
"I love you too Virgil." Virgil looked up to Roman.
"Really?" Virgil questioned.
"Really really!" Roman answered as Virgil leaned up and kissed Roman which Roman gladly kissed back.

And that was The Beginning to there
Happily Ever After.

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