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Okay, imagine you are watching Revenge of the Sith! (Unless you're a crazy Star Wars fan and are already watching it.) So Anakin is at the Jedi Temple and Padme is at home and they are both staring across the city at where the other is. I'll take it from here...

    No! Anakin thought. Padme will not die! I won't let her! Anakin sat on the ground and buried his head in his knees. He cried silently until he was startled by the sound of wood tapping the ground. Tap... Tap...

     "Doing here, what are you?" an old voice questioned. Anakin stood up and attempted to compose himself. "Master Yoda! Forgive me, I was just waiting for Master Windu to return." his voice trailed as he thought about his last chance at saving Padme. "Something else on your mind there is, hmmm?" Yoda inquired. Anakin nodded slowly, "Yes, Master."

    The wise Jedi hobbled to his chair and climbed on. He waited quietly for Anakin to begin, "I've done something very wrong Master Yoda." he admitted. Yoda's ear bent in confusion, but he allowed Anakin to continue.

     "I have... gone against the Jedi Code. I have become attached..." he said vaguely. "Attached to someone I assume?" the little green master asked.

     "Yes, the person I spoke to you about before." Yoda leaned forward a little, "Happened, has something?"

    Anakin turned away, "Well, when I was speaking to the Chancellor, he told me that the Sith could stop people from dying."

    Yoda frowned and waved his stick toward Anakin, "Misleadng you, Palpatine was! The power to stop death, no Jedi, nor Sith, can posses!" Yoda cautioned, "Minipulated you were being. Sensed your weakness, Palpatine did!"

     Anakin shivered. He hadn't thought of it like that. Never the less, Palpatine must have known about Padme. Somehow. But he had always been such a good friend, a mentor. But he thought back to every conversations he had had with the Chancellor; he had never corrected him, nor chastised him. Only pouring arrogance into his mind.

     It was true! Anakin flushed with anger. How hadn't he realized it? He was so stupid! His confidence sank like a stone as Anakin slumped his shoulders. along with his crushed pride, was the realization that he couldn't do anything to save his wife. I've failed! He felt tears return.

   "Master Yoda?" he asked in barely a whisper. The Grand Master hopped off his chair and waddle closer to the young man. Anakin swallowed hard, "The person I mentioned earlier, the person I had been having the vision about..." Yoda nodded, "Yes?"

     Anakin choked on his words, "I, I can't imagine living without them. I'm not ready!" Yoda smiled sympathetically, "Then lose them, you will not."

    Anakin tilted his head, "What do you mean?" Yoda answered carefully, "Test you, the Force does. But know your limits also. What you can handle, The Force knows. If ready you are not, test you the Force will not."

    Anakin tried to understand but only became confused. He was to distracted with the anger building in him. Boiling his blood. Palpatine lied to me! All these years, he pretended to actually care about me!

    Anakin stood up and pulled his cloak over his head, "Excuse me, Master!" he said through clenched teeth.

What Could Have Been Part I: Anakin's DecisionWhere stories live. Discover now