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Anakin stood before the Council, shaking in his boots. He wondered if they could sense his unease. Breathe, just breathe.

   Mace was first to speak, "Skwalker, what you did in the Chancellor's office was rash, uncalled for, and against everything you've been taught!" Anakin lowered his gazed in embarrassment.

   "Aside from that," Master Windu continued, "we'll done." Anakin looked up, "I beg your pardon, Master Windu?" The slightest hint of a smile crossed the powerful master's cold share, "You uncovered the lies th a Palpatine had been feeding us. You killed the Sith we've been searching for."

   Anakin looked around at the fellow Jedi who were nodding in approval. Among them was his close friend and old mentor, Obi-wan Kenobi. Obi-wan smiled at him with a twinkle in his eyes.

    Yoda spoke up, "Proved to us you have, your character. Earned it you have, the rank of Master." Anakin didn't believe his ears, "Master?" He asked. Yoda waved a green finger at him, "The Chosen One, you have proved to be. A powerful Jedi you are." Anakin felt like he was standing on air, he m had dreamed of this over s m nice he had read the prophecy. It's really happening!

    "Integrity, wisdom, self-discipline, honesty, and inner harmony. All traits of a worthy Jedi." Yoda said with a pleased smile. Anakin smiled back, but something in the pit of his stomach felt sickening. Honesty. I'm not an honest man. I have a secret... his expression turned solemn and he distantly listened to the Grand Master speak.

   Anakin had never wanted anything more than to prove his worth. To become the best he could be. But as he was promoted to a Master by the council, Anakin felt nothing but shame.

    He exited the Jedi Temple silently. As he walked down the steps, Obi-wan caught up to him. "Congratulations, Anakin!" he said with a grin. Anakin faked smile, "Thank you Obi-wan," he muttered.

   His old master fell into step with him, "Aren't you excited? I thought you've been dreaming of this day since you became my Padawan." Anakin could hear the slight concern in his friend's voice, "I am excited, it's just that I've had a lot on my mind lately." Obi-wan nodded with understanding, "Well I just want you to know how proud I am of you!" he said, putting hand on his former operator's shoulder. Behind his smile, Anakin was dying inside. You wouldn't be proud of me if you knew what I've been doing for the past two years. You wouldn't be proud if you knew I thought about saving Palpatine. You shouldn't be proud of me.

    Anakin turned away from Obi-wan, "I will see you tomrrow, Master Kenobi. Goodbye." Without another word, he hurried away, leaving Obi-wan curious as to why the bravest young man he knew seemed to be too nervous to speak.

What Could Have Been Part I: Anakin's DecisionWhere stories live. Discover now