New beginnings

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I woke up with the sun draping over my face, I heard the sound of Cruz yelling from downstairs, "Wheres my shoes?" His voice echoed throughout house. I reached over and checked my phone. The same usual, I thought to myself as I cleared out all the instagram notifications. All these fan girls, sending hearts, and saying I love you. They wouldn't know my deepest secret, but enough of that; the smell of breakfast was getting to me. I got up from bed and slid on my soft cotton white t shirt, and my long flannel pjs. I stopped by the mirror before heading out into the hallway. "Hey Romeo" Cruz said to me as he walked by and into the bathroom. That smug bastard I thought to myself as he walked about the house shirtless. Only if he knew my secret, I lost the thought of telling him and walked into the kitchen which lingered the smell of bacon. "Hey mum" I said to my mother as she was dressed up already, and was drinking a cup of coffee. "Hey Romeo, you have school, then tennis practice right after." She said to me as she jotted down notes in between sips of coffee. "Okay, are you picking me up?" I asked her as I went over and grabbed the plate of breakfast. Today was the first day of school, I am nervous, but not. I mean my dad is a famous footballer, I automatically get credibility as a cool kid. The situation was more than that though, I was always seemed as the lady heartbreak, but I never dated a girl, because I don't think I like them. I don't know anymore, I haven't tried either side, but I've always been tempted by a guy. I shook the thoughts of guy off my mind, today is a big day, I can't get distracted. "Hey Romeo, are you excited for  school?" My dad said as he strolled past us in nothing but his pj bottoms. His muscular shoulders relaxed as he went and put a arm around my mom. "Uh not really" I stuttered as the thought of returning into a classroom for 6+ hours a day made me cringe. 

                      -In the car-
I buckled the strap around my skinny torso and looked out into our long ridged driveway. The sun barley creaked over the skyline as the sky illuminated a dusk orange. It was only 6 in the morning, and the birds were full awake, soaring across the sky, and singing throughout the brisk winds. I looked down to my tan khaki pants, and black vans. The school dress code was flexible as we only had to wear specific pants, and polo shirt; but shoes were not specified. Cruz was going into year 7, I for myself year 11. I was not new to the highschool, but still I hate showing my face there. Girls stares, as their bulging eyes follow me about the corridors. I cant even sit in class without feeling eyes burn the back of my skull, as a group of girls chat about and point at me. I felt bad for Cruz because he is just going into a secondary school, so for him there will be new faces, which mean new crazed girls. I felt a buzz go off in my pocket as I reached and grabbed my phone:

Brooklyn: Hey bud! Hope you have a good year, remember that i'm here for any questions :p

Romeo: Thanks Brook, I hope to see you soon x

With that I slide my phone back into the depths of my pocket. We slowed down as we reached a red light, the city was booming as cars cluttered the roads, and pedestrians walked about the sidewalks, holding their coffees, and walking their dogs. Children held onto the paws of their parents as they hopped about cheerful for the unknown dreaded years of school. We traveled throughout the side roads, getting closer and closer to hell... I mean school. Teens walking slowly to the gates of the underworld. Their bags dragging them along the sidewalks, and their eyelids weighing along their face, as they can barely keep awake. We stopped in front of the massive brick building where Cruz excitedly saw one of his peers. They waved to each other, and Cruz hopped out, almost forgetting to say bye to us. The smug bastard strikes again, as he hasn't felt the wrath of school, oh how dearly I wish I can react the same while going into the place of death. Although I wouldnt mind seeing my mates again, given the fact I haven't seen them since last school year. We continued striding forward, and I saw the gorgeous glass building, that appeared so precious on the outside, but held the true secrets on the inside. We stopped in front of the large building that was crowded with students of different ages. Today is the day, I thought to myself; today is the first day of school.

-Hey guys hope you enjoy my first chapter, if you want to read about Cruz Beckham's perspective check out this other amazing author named Swfc13h. Our stories will intertwine plots and in many's cases connect!

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