Akward morning

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As soon as I got out the shower, I was so tired, I could barely keep my eyes open, as I navigated to my bed in my dark room. I could make out my mums voice talking to Cruz as the night seem to drift into my conscious. As soon as I closed my eyes, I feel asleep.

  I was back in school, I saw Emily standing there by herself, she wore nothing. She came closer to me, and put her hand on my face. I looked her up and down, seeing her tight vagina, and her perky breast, that was tipped off with soft pink nipples. She whispered something to me, but I couldnt make out what she said, she went in, our lips connected and it felt like magic. When we pulled apart, her appearance changed, it was now Ryan. His beautiful eyes looking into mine, I dont know why but now I felt relieved.

  I woke up as the sky was still dark, and ominous; I rolled over on my large bed, and grabbed my phone. I clicked the home button as the bright screen blinded me. As my eyes adjusted I realize that it was only 5 Am. I rolled over again, and closed my eyes, but felt no urgency of sleep, so I got up and went into the bathroom. I turned on the fluorescent light, as the once dark room turned annoyingly bright. I went towards the toilet and pulled down my Calvin underwear, revealing my penis. After I got done taking my pee, I opened my room door, letting light into the dark hallway. I slowly crept over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of orange juice. I felt my stomach rumble, as I realized that I never ate dinner last night. I scavenged through the fridge and found some yogurt, to my surprise wasn't eaten by Cruz, as he loves yogurt. I opened up the flimsy plastic covering the vanilla yogurt, I then started scooping out large spoonfuls. After I got done eating my snack, I crept back up the stairs, then decided to see what was going on with Cruz. His door was firmly closed as I pressed a ear against it. I wanted to pull a prank on him so I rushed to get a marker, and once I came back, I heard one of the alarms go off. Weird I thought to myself, as I checked the time again, to see it was only 5:15 AM. I stood there quietly in the hallway, as I heard Cruz get up, but only when that person spoke it revealed that it wasn't Cruz. A voice that I assume is Masons, spoke softly as I then heard the familiar rumbled of Cruz. I couldn't make out the words they were saying, however I did find it suspicious that they got up this early. Reluctantly I went back to my room, disappointed that I couldn't prank Cruz. On the other hand, I did want to stay and hear what they were talking about, but on the other, I really just didn't care. After about 15 minutes of scrolling through instagram, I decided to go back and see what they were doing. I was about to knock on Cruz's door, before I heard, what I thought were moans. "Is my brother having sex, before me?" I thought to myself stunned as the moans got quieter. I released my hand off the door knob, and pressed my ear against the door. All of a sudden I hear Mason say "Oooh yes-" I didnt catch the rest, but it confirmed that they were doing what I thought they were. I took a step back, kinda shocked, first at the fact that my brother was what I assume was having sex with another boy, but also at the fact that I felt my cock stiffen up at the thought of it. I wanted to open the door so bad and catch them in the act, but I decided for the best of everyone, I let them be. I slowly went back to my room as I felt blood rushing towards my penis. No I wasn't attracted to my brother, I was more attracted towards the fact that two guys were having sex in the same house as me. I heard the rumbling of pans from downstairs, and knew that my mum is starting to prepare breakfast for us. After about 10 minutes, I opened back up my room door, and saw that Cruz's room door was still shut, so I quickly went up to his door, making sure to be furtive. I didnt hear any direct noises that would make me assume they were still in the process, but I did hear a lot of shuffling. I headed down the stairs, and saw my mum working at the scrambled eggs. I quickly grabbed some slices of bread and popped them into the toaster. "Make sure to make extra for Mason, he slept the night" my mum said to me as I gave her a nod. After about 10 minutes I heard the door of Cruz room open as I heard both the boys head out the room. Cruz and Mason appeared and sat at the morning bar, quietly talking amongst themselves. I turned to see both of their hair in a erratic pattern. I laughed a little and they both gave me a confused look. I wanted to tell them I heard them so bad, but I knew I couldn't. But I quickly realized that Cruz had a little smudge of dry cum on his chin, that he must've missed. I quickly turned towards him, and rubbed my chin, signaling him to rub his chin. Mason caught on and saw the dry cum on Cruz and he turned red, and whispered to Cruz, that is when Cruz wiped his chin and headed towards the bathroom, leaving Mason awkwardly sitting there by himself. "So boys how was the night?" My mum asked as she turned to Mason sitting there, beat red, and alone. "What's the matter, and where's Cruz?" she asked as she caught onto the awkwardness in the room. I just let out a little laugh, as both of their eyes shifted towards me. "What?" My mum then asked with tension in her voice. Automatically she accused me of doing something to them, and this quickly lead to her telling me to apologize to them, without her even hearing my allegation. "Fine" I said as I turned towards Mason, who sit their with his head down, scared to met contact with my eyes. "Mason, right?" I asked him as he shook his head. "Okay, I am sorry that I have done whatever ive done wrong, according to my mum." He didn't say a word as he sat their quiet. I then headed towards the bathroom, where Cruz sat there facing the mirror. Before I could get any words out, he turned to me with a look of, "please don't say anything." So I just told him that breakfast will soon be ready. He then nodded at me, and we went on to eat, in silence, with a elephant in the room. Before I knew it, I was off to hell again, but this time, with a little thinking to do.

-Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying so far. Sorry for the slow start and everything but I am the type of writer who likes to create a plot, before getting into the dirty. Anyway, if he haven't noticed, I am shortly discontinuing my oneshot book, for the time being. I will continue updating the RYH book once I get this book rolling.
{Make sure to check out another amazing writer @SWFC13H to see Cruz's side of the story. Me and him are working a collab between the book, and hopefully you can bounce between the two to see the different perspectives of both stories.}-       

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