Short update

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-Hey guys, just trying my best to update, and I will continue trying but check out @SWFC13H to see some great updates!!-

Oh shit, I thought to myself, as I heard the front door open, and the sound of Cruz's squeaky voice echoed through the house. His friends voice followed by, got under the covers, as I heard Cruz walk up the stairs, and head towards my room. Emily was still naked as she hurried for her shirt. That is when I heard the doorknob click.    

I looked over to see the once, slightly opened door, was now shut. "Shit" I said as I quickly grabbed my underwear and slide it over my tan thighs. Emily was now rushing to put her bra on, covering her busty breast. I creeped to the door, and slightly opened it, to see Cruz and a bunch of good looking boys enter his room. Emily then walk up to, now fully clothed and gave me a kiss. I pulled back a little, still scared of the current events. I quickly walked her to the door, and let her out, and within minutes she walked down the driveway, and waited for her mum to come. "Why dosent she just stay in here, until her mum comes?" My mum voice scared me, as I jumped a little and turned to her, red in the face. "Oh uh, she wants to catch some fresh air, before um she is cooped up in her room, doing homework." I quickly told my mum, trying my best to not reveal the truth. "Okay, well you should go and wait with her." She advised me, as I set for the door. I walked up the gravel path, and was soon right behind her. I grabbed onto her shoulder and she turned around, with red swollen eyes, and trails of tears down her face. "Whats the matter?" I asked her gently as I comforted her. "Romeo, I known you for so long, I known you for so long, and I feel terrible for almost having SEX with you." She said as tears still bursted out her eyes. "Romeo, I think, I just need some time, to think about things." She said to me as she motioned me away. I felt slightly relieved, as my attractions towards her, werent really all there. I headed back inside, thinking about how I almost lost my virginity, but it was interrupted, as so I believe. I walked quietly to his door, oh how I want to open it, and catch them. I let them be, and I went and finished my homework.

   I woke up, to hear soft moans from my brothers room, damn these are some horny kids, I thought to myself. I gained the courage to walk up to their door, light still barely creeped through the window, and my mum car was still missing from the driveway. I didnt know what I was gonna gain from this, maybe I could join them? That thought quickly left me with a hard on, so I tucked it in the top of my underwear band. I took a deep breathe, and finally opened the door. What I saw, was.. Just wow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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