The Silence We Keep

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•~Chapter 4~•
The Silence We Keep

          She faintly heard Meliodas shout, "Full Counter," before her world was engulfed in spectral flames. The flames themselves did not harm her for she was immune to such fire, but the aura imbedded into her attack sent her flying.

She left a smoking trail in her wake as her body gave into the effects of gravity, and her frail form collided with the ground. The spear she had been levitating clattered down beside her, just barely in reach. "Oops, I though she could take a single attack." Meliodas chirped nervously, although his green eyes told a different story. He hadn't intended to harm her further, but there was something wrong here. Something that warranted him to attempt to protect the Armored Giant.

"That was quite reckless, Captain. Judging by the damage she has already sustained, and the state her body was in when I stumbled across her, that attack could have very well killed her." Gowther commented. The Goat Sin glanced over at his still companion, and noted the faint rise and fall of her chest. She was alive for now, and he repeated as such.

The Fox Sin was not quite as calm with his reaction, and slapped Meliodas upside the head, "What the hell were you thinking?! You told me yourself to keep her safe 'cause she wasn't in any damned shape to fight!" Ban demanded. Meliodas was silent, which only served to irk the silver haired thief more. "If you're gonna be like that then stand back because you're only going to get us all killed." He spat.

"We're still in a battle you guys!" King warned as he quickly ordered his spirit spear to go forth in it's Guardian form to defend them from the Armored Giant, who was quickly approaching.

The beast promptly unleashed an icy barrage of freezing air from one of the four eyeless faces on it's torso. It honestly appeared as if the monster's abs had grown faces, and it was disturbing to say the least. Although Guardian was highly resistant to fire, and could generally take any physical attack, it didn't do very well against the cold.

          A strong right hook shattered the frozen moss bear into tiny pieces, which earned a cry of alarm from King. "That Holy Knight is still alive in there!" Meliodas exclaimed as Ban moved forward a few paces with a whip in hand. He had taken the weapon from one of he numerous dead soldiers nearby. Meliodas snatched up a simple shield and a sword as Ban stopped in his tracks.

          Violet slowly raised herself into a sitting position and inched herself farther away from the battle. Her limbs burned from exhaustion and the damage she had sustained, but she knew that she would only be a burden if she were to get caught up in the fighting. If only Meliodas hadn't launched her attack back at her..

          Then again he had been trying to deflect the attack. The Captain claimed that the Holy Knight trapped within the Armored Giant was still alive, and therefor they should not kill him and instead find a way to save him.

         Her right hand closed around the cool metal shaft of her borrowed spear, and she dragged the weapon towards her slowly. It hurt to move, but the pain was little compared to the memories that now flooded her mind.

          Her bloodstained hands
Her bloodied spear
Her screaming mind
Her trapped soul
She spoke no words
She obeyed every command
She was faithful
She was the Kings mutt
His words were vile
His whispers followed her
His orders rung within her mind
A constant reminder ~
That she was not free ~
She would be forever loyal
She would forever obey
She would never question
She could never question
She could never will
She could never do
She would always carry out her tasks
She would never cease to bring victory
She would never cease to shed blood
She would never free herself of it all
More blood
More screams
More weeping victims of fate
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          Violet grounded herself in reality by tightening her grasp on the simple weapon, and her knuckles burned a stark white from how tightly she gripped it. The pent up emotions within her lent her strength as she braced the but of the spear against the ground and used it to rise clumsily to her feet.

          She watched as Ban ripped Meliodas' shield from his grasp and hurled it frisbee style towards one of the four heads. The metal disk was melted in mere moments by a spew of acid. Apparently each head could conjure up some different 'element' to throw out.

She was a weapon
She was power
Blood and screams, terror and dreams
There was no escape for a sinner such as she
They take it in, the power she brings
It's like a drug
It corrupts
It decays
It turns them into monsters
She can only obey, and when one falls another always rises to take their place
There will always be more commands
There will always be more torment
There was never a day of light
She broke
She cried
She bled
There was no witness to her pain
Until she was finally set free

          There was a sense of panic flickering within Violet's eyes as the two males warred in a somewhat passive aggressive manner-until she snapped.  "JUST PUT HIM OUT OF HIS MISERY!" The Spectre demanded in an almost desperate manner. They didn't understand just how torturous it was not be yourself, but she did.

          It was slowly driving her insane, and even more so when Meliodas casually disregarded her words with a simple statement. "We can save him." He called back, before the blondie glanced back at Gowther, "You're up Gowther. Don't kill him, just stop him in his tracks." He instructed.

          Gowther's entire upper half had been hit by the Armored Giant's frost breath from before, which had fogged his glasses as well as turned his upper body stark white. "My glasses fogged up. Hold him off for awhile." He idly instructed as he removed his glasses from his face. The Goat Sin studied them briefly as he walked away from the thick of the fighting and made his way to stand by Violet, who had to take to sitting down once more as her legs felt weak.

          This was met with some reactions of disbelief, and the three remaining fighters were forced to quickly dodge out of the way as the beast slammed his fist down where Meliodas and Ban had been moments before. "Why won't he listen to reason? It's cruel to leave him like this-we can't save him." Violet whispered, and was completely oblivious to the curious glance she received from Gowther. The male found her words to be interesting, as she spoke of cruelty and of the immorality of not ending the Armored Giant, but he said nothing.

          The Goat Sin witnessed his child sized companion cry silently as the battle continued, all while he methodically cleaned his glasses. Fortunately he was close enough to be able to make out the fact that she was crying, since he was right next to her. Gowther returned his glasses to their proper perch upon his nose before he glanced back to the battlefield. A soft sigh left him at the sight of Meliodas in a sort of predicament with the Armor Giant. He would most certainly have to step in.

          Dale was able to experience his happiest memory thanks to Gowther's ability, while also gave Meliodas ample time to get himself out of the tight spot he had managed to get himself into. Out of simple curiosity, and nothing more, the Goat Sin glanced over his shoulder to check on Violet-only to find the child sized Sin slumped over on the ground. It appeared as if she had either passed out from overexertion, or somehow managed to fall asleep whilst the fighting was occurring.

          The Goat Sin turned back to the battle with his curiosity now partially stated-he still wished to know many things after all-but he never heard the soft whimpers that Violet emitted from the lands of her dreams.

At least in sleep she did not have to witness the continued suffering of the Armored Giant, the once gentle giant that had patiently listened to her tale. But was it truly better if she was met with the torment of her own mind instead?
My apologies for ending the chapter so suddenly, but Violet realistically would have reached her limit and passed out around that point, and I was getting kinda lazy to be honest. Then again this has taken me months already, so might as well just throw it out there. I hope whoever ends up reading this enjoys!

Violet Serpentstone - The Sin of Temperance [Seven Deadly Sins Story]Where stories live. Discover now