Father Dearest

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Nothing can fill the void left by a good parent, because nothing else loves as fiercely or as truly from the very beginning.

One thousand two hundred ninety three years ago, Violet Serpentstone was born to the 99th Exalt of Spectrekind. Many celebrated and rejoiced at the news, as their first leader's last words had held reference to the 100th Exalt. There was mass speculation about what their Exalt had meant on her deathbed, as she had sadly passed away mid sentence, but many held the view that the 100th would be practically god like.

Violet had been a bright and happy child that quickly became a favorite of those who had the honor of tutoring her. The young Spectre had a certain charm about her that others couldn't help but notice, and admire. She was kind and awfully considerate as a child, but reality has a way of warping people to better fit it's image. Nothing would ever be the same for Spectrekind, not after Violet ascended the throne.



"Yes, my sweet child?"

"Are you going to have to leave again?"

"I'm afraid that I must, Violet."

"Will you come back soon?"

"I'll rush home quickly for you, my dear."

"I love you, Father!"

"I love you too, my dear."

•~Chapter 5~•
Father Dearest

Sunlight filtered through the large palm leaf blinds that covered the stained glass windows throughout the spacious room. It was a room fit for royalty, with it's well crafted furniture and tasteful decor. The centerpiece of the room was a large queen sized bed, with silken spectral sheets of soft violet, and a large quantity of throw pillows of varying shapes and sizes.

A young child was sleeping soundly within the bed's comfortable embrace, but the insistent sunlight refused to let the young girl continue to slumber. It's dappled light filtered across her face, and she groggily roused herself from the warmth of sleep to find the source of the light.

It took her a moment to realize that morning had arrived, and longer still to even recall what made today so special. Excitement urged the young girl to quickly untangle herself from her silken sheets, and hurriedly dress herself.

Her hastily chosen outfit consisted of a spectral blue tunic and a flowing grey skirt. She ended up putting a few wrinkles into her tunic from how she hurriedly she pulled it on. There was no time to waste-today was the day that her father was due back from wherever he always disappeared to.

He'd always told her that she was to young to know of what things he dealt with, despite how much she insisted that she was a big girl now, and that she could handle sensitive information. She was no fragile flower, despite the fact that she bore the name of one.

She was Violet Serpentstone, the to be 100th Exalt of Spectrekind-and her Father was the greatest Spectre in the whole world. During their annual festivals, Violet would often linger at the edge of the balcony that her father always stood on to address the people. She would listen to the words that flowed so easily from him-the words that rallied those gathered into a united force brimming with love for their own people.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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